CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND THEORY OF OPERATION FOR MACHINE AND WELDING SHOPGENERAL INFORMATIONPREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMSSAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLINGSPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENTFigure 1. Machine and Welding Shop.Figure 2. Expanded Wall Transport Mode Component View (SC4920-99-CLA63).Figure 3. Expanded Wall Transport Mode Component View (1035458).Figure 4. Fixed Wall Transport Mode Component View (SC4920-99-CLA63).Figure 5. Fixed Wall Transport Mode Component View (1035458).Figure 6. Operational Mode Component View (SC4920-99-CLA63).Figure 7. Operational Mode Component View (1035458).DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELSTHEORY OF OPERATIONCHAPTER 2. OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR MACHINE AND WELDING SHOPDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORSTable 1. Oil/Water Separator Controls and Indicators.OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS: SITING REQUIREMENTSFigure 1. Leveling Support Jack Assemblies.Figure 2. Leveling Support Jack Install.Figure 3. Load Balancer Slide Stops, Upper Positions.Figure 4. Cam Lock Handles.Figure 5. Load Balancer Slide Stops, Lower Position.Figure 6. Positioning Hinged Wall.Figure 8. Hinged Jack Assemblies.Figure 9. Hinged Jack Assemblies Extensions.Figure 10. Positioning Hinged Jack Assemblies.Figure 11. Solar Bar Handles.Figure 12. Raised Hinged Roof.Figure 13. Positioning Roof and Hinged End Walls.Figure 14. Hinged Roof Support Strut Assemblies.Figure 15. Shelter Leveling.Figure 16. Remove Sidewall Support Braces.CONNECTING POWER TO THE SHELTERCONNECTING POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX (PDB) TO GENERATOR (IF NECESSARY)Figure 3. Main Circuit Breaker.Figure 4. Relocation of Cable Reel Assembly and 100 amp Power Cable Assembly.Figure 5. Extending Main Power Cable.Figure 7. Connecting Main Power Cable to PDB.INSTALL LIGHTINGFigure 2. Installing Ceiling Lights.Figure 3. Connecting Ceiling Lights.Figure 4. Installing Cable and Receptacle Assembly.Figure 5. Installing Area Light.PREPARING SHELTER FOR ECU INSTALLATIONFigure 1. Hinged Floor Cable Guide Housing Removal.Figure 2. Hinged Floor Cable Guide Housing Reinstall.Figure 3. Removing Plugs on ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 4. ECU Fold-down Panel Latches.Figure 6. Installing T-Seal.SAFEGUARDING ATTACHING HARDWAREPOSITIONING SHELTER BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) BOX FOR OPERATIONAL MODEPOSITIONING ECU S FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure ECU (A).Figure 2. Placing ECU (A) on ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 4. Aligning Bolt Holes of ECU (A) with ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 6. Unsecure ECU (B).Figure 7. Placing ECU (B) on ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 9. Aligning Bolt Holes of ECU (B) with ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 11. Connecting Power to ECU s.POSITIONING STRAIGHT STOOLS FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Straight Stools (SC4920-99-CLA63).Figure 2. Unsecure Straight Stools (1035458).POSITIONING EYEWASH STATION ASSEMBLY AND BRACKET FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Eyewash Station (SC4920-99-CLA63).Figure 2. Position Eyewash Station (SC4920-99-CLA63).Figure 3. Unsecure Eyewash Station (1035458).Figure 4. Position Eyewash Station (1035458).POSITIONING GAS CART FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Gas Cart.POSITIONING SHELF CABINET (E) FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Four Drawer Cabinet (E) .POSITIONING SHELF CABINET (D) FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Shelf Cabinet (D).POSITIONING ANVIL AND ANVIL STAND FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Anvil Stand with Anvil.POSITIONING WELDING MACHINE FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Welding Machine.POSITIONING PLASMA CUTTER FOR OPERATIONAL MODEFigure 1. Unsecure Plasma Cutter.CONNECTING COMPRESSED AIR AND WATERFigure 2. Connecting Compressed Air.CHECKING SHELTER LEVELDISCONNECTING COMPRESSED AIR AND WATERFigure 2. Replacing Protective Dust Cap.POSITIONING ECUS FOR TRANSPORT MODEFigure 2. Removing ECU (B) Hardware from ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 3. Secure ECU (B).Figure 4. Removing ECU (A) Hardware from ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 5. Secure ECU (A).POSITIONING SHELTER BII BOX FOR TRANSPORT MODEPOSITIONING EYEWASH STATION ASSEMBLY BRACKET AND HARDWARE FOR TRANSPORT MODEPOSITIONING EYEWASH STATION ASSEMBLY BRACKET AND HARDWARE FOR TRANSPORT MODE - ContinuedFigure 2. Secure Eyewash Station (1035458).POSITIONING STRAIGHT STOOLS FOR TRANSPORT MODEFigure 1. Secure Straight Stools (SC4920-99-CLA63).Figure 2. Secure Straight Stools (1035458).POSITIONING FOUR DRAWER CABINET (E) FOR TRANSPORT MODEPOSITIONING FOUR DRAWER CABINET (E) FOR TRANSPORT MODE - ContinuedPOSITIONING SHELF CABINET (D) FOR TRANSPORT MODEPOSITIONING SHELF CABINET (D) FOR TRANSPORT MODE - ContinuedPOSITIONING GAS CART FOR TRANSPORT MODEFigure 1. Secure Gas Cart.POSITIONING GAS CART FOR TRANSPORT MODE - ContinuedPOSITIONING ANVIL AND ANVIL STAND FOR TRANSPORT MODEFigure 1. Secure Anvil Stand with Anvil.POSITIONING WELDING MACHINE FOR TRANSPORT MODEFigure 1. Secure Welding Machine.POSITIONING WELDING MACHINE FOR TRANSPORT MODE - ContinuedPOSITIONING PLASMA CUTTER FOR TRANSPORT MODEFigure 1. Secure Plasma Cutter.PREPARING SHELTER FOR ECU STOWAGEFigure 2. Closing ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 4. Installing Plugs on ECU Fold-down Panel.Figure 6. Hinged Floor Cable Guide Housing Installation.DISCONNECTING POWER FROM SHELTERFigure 2. Disconnecting Main Power Cable from PDB.Figure 3. Disconnecting Main Power Cable from Shelter.Figure 4. Securing Cable Reel Assembly.Figure 5. Disconnecting PDB from Generator.Figure 6. Removing External Grounding Rod.REMOVING LIGHTINGFigure 2. Removing Cable and Receptacle Assembly.Figure 3. Repositioning Ceiling Lights.PREPARING SHELTER FOR TRANSPORTFigure 1. Releasing Shelter Walls.Figure 3. Lowering Shelter Roof.Figure 4. Secure Support Strut Assemblies.Figure 6. Hinged Jack Assemblies Extension.Figure 7. Load Balancers Slide Stops, Upper Position.Figure 8. Cam Lock Handles.Figure 9. Load Balancers Slide Stops, Lower Position.Figure 10. Lowering Leveling Support Jack Assemblies.Figure 11. Stowing Leveling Support Jack Assemblies.OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSFigure 2. Installing Ground Anchors.Figure 3. Loops and Clamps Installation.Figure 4. Securing Loops and Clamps.OPERATION IN SNOW, ICE OR EXTREME COLDOPERATION FOR IMPROVING SOIL CONDUCTIVITY FOR SHELTER GROUNDINGCHAPTER 3. FIELD LEVEL MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES FOR MACHINE AND WELDING SHOPTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - ContinuedCHAPTER 4. FIELD LEVEL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MACHINE AND WELDING SHOPSERVICE UPON RECEIPTPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICE (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONCorrosion Prevention and Control (CPC)PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICE (PMCS)Table 1. Field Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Machine and Welding Shop.Table 1. Field Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Machine and Welding Shop. - ContinuedTable 1. Field Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Machine and Welding Shop. - ContinuedTable 1. Field Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Machine and Welding Shop. - ContinuedTable 1. Field Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Machine and Welding Shop. - ContinuedTable 1. Field Level Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Machine and Welding Shop. - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CABINET ASSEMBLIESFigure 2. Drawers, Slides, and Shelves Remove and Install.DRAWERS, SLIDES, AND SHELVES Figure 3. Cabinet (A) and Cabinet (B).SIX DRAWER CABINET (A) AND SIX DRAWER CABINET (B) SIX DRAWER CABINET (A) AND SIX DRAWER CABINET (B) CONTINUEDFigure 4. Cabinet (C) .REPAIR OR REPLACEMENTINSPECTION OF INSTALLED ITEMSREPAIR OR REPLACEMENTFOUR DRAWER CABINET (E)FOUR DRAWER CABINET (E)MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CABINET INTEGRATION HARDWAREMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CABINET INTEGRATION HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CABINET INTEGRATION HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CABINET INTEGRATION HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EYEWASH STATION ASSEMBLY BRACKET AND HARDWAREMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EYEWASH STATION ASSEMBLY BRACKET AND HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MILLING/DRILLING MACHINE AND HARDWAREFigure 2. Continuity Check on Plug Connector.Figure 3. Replace Plug Connector.Figure 4. Milling/Drilling Machine.MILLING/DRILLING MACHINE MOUNTING HARDWARE CONTINUEDMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BENCH GRINDER AND HARDWAREMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BENCH GRINDER AND HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MACHINIST VISE AND HARDWAREMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CYLINDER BRACKET ASSEMBLY AND HARDWAREMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CYLINDER BRACKET ASSEMBLY AND HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLASMA CUTTERFigure 2. Continuity Check on Plug Connector.Figure 3. Replace Plug Connector.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR WELDING MACHINEFigure 2. Continuity Check on Plug Connector.Figure 3. Replace Plug Connector.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR WELDING TABLE AND HARDWAREFigure 1. Welding Table and Hardware.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR WELDING TABLE AND HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 10 TON PRESS AND HARDWAREFigure 1. 10 Ton Press.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 10 TON PRESS AND HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANVIL AND ANVIL/SHEAR STAND ASSEMBLY AND HARDWAREFigure 1. Anvil and Anvil/Shear Stand Assembly and Hardware.ANVIL/THROATLESS SHEAR STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR LATHE MACHINE BRACKETS AND HARDWAREFigure 1. Lathe Machine Brackets and Hardware.LATHE MACHINE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETSCREWS AND INSERTSFigure 2. Wall and Floor Insert Inspection.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BAYONET NEILL-CONCELMAN (BNC) CONNECTOR ASSEMBLYMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BAYONET NEILL-CONCELMAN (BNC) CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 2. Replace BNC Connector Assembly.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BAYONET NEILL-CONCELMAN (BNC) CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRST AID BRACKET ASSEMBLY AND HARDWAREMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRST AID BRACKET ASSEMBLY AND HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 60 AMP RECEPTACLEMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 60 AMP RECEPTACLE - ContinuedFigure 2. Inspect 45 Degree Angle Adapter.Figure 4. 45 Degree Angle Adapter Replacement.Figure 5. 45 Degree Angle Adapter Removal from Power Entry Panel Cover.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 60 AMP RECEPTACLE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 240V OUTLET BOX ASSEMBLY AND COVERMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 240V OUTLET BOX ASSEMBLY AND COVER - ContinuedFigure 2. Box Connector.Figure 3. Retaining Strap.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ECU POWER CABLE ASSEMBLYFigure 1. Testing ECU Power Cable.Figure 2. Removing ECU Power Cable.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ECU POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY - ContinuedFigure 3. Replacing ECU Power Cable.Figure 4. Box Connector.Figure 5. Box Connector Replacement.BOX CONNECTOR FOR ECU POWER CABLE CONTINUEDFigure 6. Electrical Plug Connector.ELECTRICAL PLUG CONNECTOR CONTINUEDMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CIRCUIT BREAKERSFigure 1. Testing Circuit Breakers.Figure 2. Replacing Circuit Breakers.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CIRCUIT BREAKERS - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOOR LOCK TABSFigure 2. Door Lock Tabs Placement.Figure 3. Door Lock Tabs Installation.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR WATER AND AIR FEED-THRU CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIESFigure 2. Disassembly of Water Feed-thru Connector Assembly.Figure 3. Removal of Water Feedthru Connector Assembly.Figure 4. Water Feed-thru Connector Flange.Figure 6. Attach Water Feed-Thru Connector Assembly.Figure 7. Inspect Air Feed-thru Connector Assembly.Figure 9. Removal of Air Feed-thru Connector Assembly.Figure 11. Install Air Feed-thru Connector Assembly.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKETS AND HARDWAREMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKETS AND HARDWARE - ContinuedMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR OIL/WATER SEPARATORFigure 1. Inspect Hose and Fittings.Figure 2. Hose Clamp Removal.Figure 4. Hose Removal.Figure 6. Hose Reinstallation.Figure 8. Inspect Oil/Water Separator.OIL AND WATER SEPARATORMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ECU CABLE ASSEMBLYMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ECU SECURITY SCREENSECU SECURITY SCREENSMAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR GROUND RODFigure 2. Test Ground Rod.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR GROUND ROD - ContinuedILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMSFigure 1. Lathe, Front Bracket.Figure 2. Lathe, Upper Bracket (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 2. Lathe, Upper Bracket (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 2. Lathe, Upper Bracket (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 3. Single Cylinder Bracket Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 3. Single Cylinder Bracket Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 4. Ring Bracket Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 4. Ring Bracket Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 5. Lathe, Side Bracket.Figure 6. Cabinet Bracket.Figure 7. Angle Bracket.Figure 8. Single Cylinder Bracket Assembly.Figure 10. First Aid Bracket (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 10. First Aid Bracket (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 11. Anvil Stand (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 11. Anvil Stand (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 11. Anvil Stand (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 11. Anvil Stand (Sheet 4 of 4).TORQUE LIMITSCHAPTER 5. SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR MACHINE AND WELDING SHOPREFERENCESMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTIONAviation Support Company (ASC) in the Aviation Support Battalion (ASB). Maintenance FunctionsMaintenance Functions - ContinuedExplanations of Entries in the MACExplanation of Entries in the Tools and Test Equipment RequirementsMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Table 1. MAC for MACHINE AND WELDING SHOP ContinuedTable 1. MAC for MACHINE AND WELDING SHOP ContinuedTable 1. MAC for MACHINE AND WELDING SHOP ContinuedTable 2. Tools And Test Equipment Requirements For Machine and Welding Shop.REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) INTRODUCTIONSOURCE CODEMaintenance CodeRecoverability CodeEXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNSFabrication Instructions.HOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTSREPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTFigure 1. Machine and Welding Shop Set.Figure 1. Machine and Welding Shop Set. - ContinuedFigure 2. Machine and Welding Shop Set Equipment Installation.Figure 2. Machine and Welding Shop Set Equipment Installation. - ContinuedFigure 2. Machine and Welding Shop Set Equipment Installation. - ContinuedFigure 3. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly.Figure 3. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 4. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly.Figure 4. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 5. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly.Figure 5. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 6. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly.Figure 6. Machine and Welding Shop Set Cabinet Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 7. Single Cylinder Bracket Assembly.Figure 7. Single Cylinder Bracket Assembly - ContinuedFigure 8. Plasma Cutter Modification.Figure 8. Plasma Cutter Modification. - ContinuedFigure 9. Welding Machine Modification.Figure 9. Welding Machine Modification. - ContinuedFigure 10. Welding Table Modification.Figure 11. Lathe Machine Modification.Figure 11. Lathe Machine Modification. - ContinuedFigure 12. 100 Amp Shelter Modification (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 12. 100 Amp Shelter Modification (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 12. 100 Amp Shelter Modification - ContinuedFigure 12. 100 Amp Shelter Modification - ContinuedFigure 13. BNC Connector Assembly.Figure 14. Machine and Welding Shop Set Electrical Install.Figure 14. Machine and Welding Shop Set Electrical Install. - ContinuedFigure 15. Electrical Installation.Figure 15. Electrical Installation. - ContinuedFigure 16. Oil and Water Separator.Figure 16. Oil and Water Separator. - ContinuedFigure 17. ECU Cable Assembly.Figure 18. Ground Rod.NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEXNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedCOMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTSFigure 1. Components of End Item.Figure 2. BII Items (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 2. BII Items (Sheet 2 of 2).Table 2. Basic Issue Items List.Table 2. Basic Issue Items List. - ContinuedTable 2. Basic Issue Items List. - ContinuedTable 2. Basic Issue Items List. - ContinuedTable 2. Basic Issue Items List. - ContinuedEXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST