CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONFigure 1-1. Welding machine, tight front, three-quarter view with shipping dimensions.Figure 1-2. Welding machine, left rear, three-quarter view.Identification and Tabulated DataFigure 1-3. Base plan.CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSFigure 2-1. Load, ground, external power source, gas, and water connections.Figure 2-2. Voltage change bars for 230 or 460 volts.Section III. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSFigure 2-3. Controls and instruments.Figure 2-4. Starting the welding machine,Figure 2-5. Stopping the welding machine.Figure 2-6. Welding machine operation.Operation in Saltwater AreasCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICESFigure 3-2. Daily preventive maintenance services.Figure 3-3. Quarterly preventive maintenance services.Figure 3-4. Pilot lamps, removal and installation.Section VI. FIELD EXPEDIENT REPAIRSWelding Machine Top and HousingFigure 3-5. Welding machine top and housing, removal and installation.Figure 3-6. High frequency panel assembly, removal and installation.Figure 3-8. Pilot lights and gas, water, power, and high frequency switches, removal and installation.Figure 3-9. Timers and dummy plug, removal and installation.Figure 3-10. Interlock, spot arc, and drop out switch, removal and installation.Figure 3-12. Contactor, removal and installation.Section IX. SPARK GAP ADJUSTER, VOLTAGE CHANGE BARS, AND GROUND AND ELECTRODE TERMINAL BOARDFigure 3-16. Ground and electrode terminal board, removal and installation.Section XI. VENTILATING-COOLING SYSTEMFigure 3-18. Fan, motor, and guard assembly, removal and installation.Figure 3-19. Fan, motor, and guard assembly, disassembly and reassembly.CHAPTER 4 DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTSection V. CONTROL PANEL AND TIMER RECEPTACLESSection VI. RANGE SWITCH, POLARITY SWITCH, CONTROL RHEOSTAT, AND INTENSITY SELECTORFigure 4-4. Range switch, polarity switch, and control rheostat, removal and installation.Section VII. CONTROL RECTIFIER, RECTIFIER ASSEMBLY, DIODES, CAPACITORS, AND RESISTORSFigure 4-6. Control rectifier, removal and installation.Figure 4-7. Rectifier assembly and diodes, removal and installation.Figure 4-8. Rectifier assembly, disassembly and reassemblyFigure 4-8. Rectifier assembly, disassembly and reassembly - ContinuedFigure 4-9 (1). Capacitors, removal and installation.Figure 4-9 (1). Capacitors, removal and installation. - ContinuedFigure 4-10. Resistors, removal and installation.Figure 4-11. Timer relay, removal and installationFigure 4-12. Switching panel, removal and installation.Figure 4-13. Main transformer reactor coil and filter reactor, removal and installation.Section IX. ACCESSORY TRANSFORMER, HIGH FREQUENCY CONTROL TRANSFORMER, AND MAIN TRANSFORMERFigure 4-15. Accessory transformer, removal and installationSection X. WIRING HARNESS AND HIGH FREQUENCY PANEL WIRING HARNESSSection Xl. FRAME AND MAIN TRANSFORMER SUPPORT ASSEMBLYFrame and Main Transformer Support AssemblyAPPENDIX A REFERENCESAPPENDIX B BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND OPERATING SUPPLIESSECTION II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTAPPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTAPPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTAPPENDIX D. ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTSAbbreviationsSection 2. PRESCRIBED LOAD ALLOWANCERepair Parts for Organizational MaintenanceRepair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for Organizational Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot MaintenanceRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedRepair Parts for DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance - ContinuedFigure D1. Main Transformer and Base.Figure D2. Contactors and CapacitorsINDEX TO PARTS, FIGURE D2Figure D3. RectifierFigure D4. Housing and Solenoid Valve.Figure D5. Fan and MotorFigure D6. Transformer, Rectifier, and Wiring HarnessFigure D7. High Frequency Drawer.INDEX TO PARTS, FIGURE D7Figure D8. High Frequency Panel and Replated PartsINDEX, TO PARTS, FIGURE D8FIGURE D9INDEX TO PARTS, FIGURE D9Figure D10. Front Housing panel and Rheostat.INDEX TO PARTS, FIGURE D10INDEXINDEX - ContinuedFigure 1-4. Practical wiring diagramFigure 4-1. Schematic wiring diagram.