2-3. Inspecting and Servicing Equipment
2-1. Unloading the Equipment
a. Shipment by Tractor. When the welding
a. Check packing list for missing parts.
machine is received, by tractor, remove all se-
b. Inspect for damaged parts. Check weld-
curing devices and, with a forklift or other
ing machine for dents, scratches, and dam-
suitable lifting device, remove it from the
aged housing.
c. Inspect for damaged or broken controls
Warning: When using a lifting device to
and switches.
move the welding machine, make sure it has
a lifting capacity of no less than 1,000 pounds.
d. Inspect for loose and missing hardware,
lifting eyes, panels and fittings.
Do not allow the welding machine to swing or
Failure to observe
sway while suspended.
e. Perform the daily preventive mainte-
this warning may result in damage to the
equipment or serious injury to personnel.
b. Shipment by Rail. When the welding
2-4. Installation or Setting-Up Instructions
machine is received by rail, remove all secur-
a. Ground and Electrode Cable Connections.
ing devices and with a forklift or other suit-
able lifting device, remove it from the freight
bles to the ground terminal stud and electrode
terminal stud located on the front of the
2-2. Unpacking the Equipment
b. External Power and Ground Connec-
a. Unpacking. The welding machine has
tions. The welding machine must be ground-
heavy paper or cardboard around it to protect
ed prior to operation. The ground can be, in
it from damage. This is packed in a wooden
order of preference, an underground metallic
water piping system, a driven metal rod, or a
(1) Remove all metal banding with a
buried metal plate. T h e ground rod must
suitable tool.
have a minimum diameter of 5/8 inch if solid,
(2) Remove the wooden box with a claw
or 3/4 inch if pipe, and, must be driven to a
h a m m e r , pry bar, nail puller, or
minimum depth of 8 feet. A ground plate
other suitable tools.
must have a minimum area of 9 square feet
Note. Be careful not to damage the weld-
and be buried to a minimum depth of 4 feet.
ing machine while removing the wooden
T h e ground lead must be a No. 6 AWG
(American Wire Gage) copper wire or larger,
Prepare the welding
b . Descripition.
and be bolted or clamped, to the rod, plate,
machine for inspection and operation as out-
lined on DA Form 2258, attached on or near
the control panel.
connect the external power and ground wire.