TM 5-3431-203-15
in the specific item, are listed in parentheses
items authorized for a number of
following the repair part name.
equipments supported.
Items au-
d. Unit of Issue indicates the unit used as
thorized for use as required but not
a basis of issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.
for initial stockage are identified
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack indi-
with an asterisk in the allowance col-
cates the actual quantity contained in the unit
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit indicates
GS levels of maintenance will repre-
the actual number of parts used in the appli-
sent intial stockage for a 30-day pe-
cation. A zero is shown when components of
riod for the number of equipments
kits or sets are listed that are not applicable
to the specific end item.
i. One-Year Allowance Per 100 Equip-
g. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
ments/Contingency Planning Purposes indic-
ates the quantity of items required for dis-
( 1 ) The allowance columns are divided
tribution and contingency planning purposes.
into four subcolumns. Indicated in
j. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
each subcolumn is the quantity of
Equipments indicates the total quantity of
items authorized for the number of
items recommended for depot maintenance of
Items au-
equipments supported.
100 equipments. Items recommended for im-
thorized for use as required but not
mediate use only are identified with an aster-
for initial stockage are identified
isk in the allowance column.
with an asterisk in the allowance col-
k. Illustration.
(1) Figure Number indicates the figure
( 2 ) The quantitative allowances for or-
number of the illustration in which
ganizational level of maintenance rep-
the item is shown.
resents one initial prescribed load
(2) Item or Symbol Number indicates the
for a 15-day period for the number
callout number used to reference the
of equipments supported. Units and
item in the illustration.
organizations authorized additional
prescribed loads will multiply the
D-4. Abbreviations
number of prescribed loads author-
ac --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - alternate current
ized by the quantity of repair parts
amp -- ---------------------------------- ampere (s)
reflected in the appropriate density
AWG ---------------------------------- American Wire Gage
column to obtain the total quantity
of repair parts authorized.
ea -------------------------------------each
( 3 ) Items identified by an asterisk may
ft -----------------------------------------------------foot(feet)
id ---------------------------------------------insidediameter
be requisitioned as required. Subse-
in ------------------------------------------------inch (es)
quent changes and/or addictions to
kc ------------------------------------------ kilWyclele (s)
allowances will be limited to the pro-
lg ------------------------------------- long (length)
visions of AR 735-35. The range of
lh----------------------------------------- left hand
items authorized will be made by
mtg -------------------------------------amounting (s)
no. ---------------------------------- number
this Command based upon engineer-
od ---------------------------------------outside diameter
ing e x p e r i e n c e , demand data, or
rh ---------------------------------------right hand
TAERS information.
rpm ------------------------------------ revolutions per minute
( 4 ) Allowances are based on 1500 hours
sh ------------------------------------------shwt
of operation per year.
sp -----------------------------------------strip
thd ------------------------------------------- thread(s) (ed)
h. Thirty-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allow-
thk -------------------------------------------thick (ness)
uf ------------------------------------------ microfarad (s)
(1) The allowance columns are divided
v ----------------------------------------------volt (s)
into three subcolumns, Indicated in
w ------------------------------------------------wide (width)
each subcolumn is the q u a n t i t y of
W/ --------------------------------------------------------with