CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONFigure 1. Arc welder rear, three-quarter view with shipping dimensions.Figure 2. Arc welder front, three-quarter view.Figure 3. Control panel.Figure 4. Electrical wiring diagrams.Figure 4. Electrical wiring diagrams - ContinuedFigure 5. Base plan.Chapter 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 6. Welding cables and remote rheostat current selector assembly connection., removal and installationSection II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITEFigure 7. Control and instruments.Table 1. Wiring DataTable 2. Current Setting Range for Bare or Lightly Coated ElectrodesSection V. OPERATION OF MATERIEL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE EQUIPMENTChapter 3. OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 8. Daily preventive maintenance services..Section III. OPERATOR MAINTENANCEFigure 9. Quarterly preventive maintenance services.Figure 9. Quarterly preventive maintenance services - ContinuedSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTINGWelding Arc Is Loud and Spatters ExcessivelyFigure 10. Housing, cover and panels, removal, disassembly, and installation.Figure 11. Brushes, brush springs, and holders, removal and installation.Section VII. CONTROLS, INSTRUMENTS, WIRING AND COMPONENTSFigure 12. Controls and instruments, removal and installation.Figure 13. Magnetic starter, removal and installationSection VIII. HANDTRUCK ASSEMBLYWheels and TongueCHAPTER 4 DEMOLITION, SHIPMENT, AND LIMITED STORAGEFigure 15. Placement of demolition chargesLoading Equipment for ShipmentChapter 5. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 16. Electrical wiring diagrams.Figure 16. Electrical wiring diagrams - ContinuedTable 5. Repair and Replacement, StandardsChapter 6. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSChapter 7. REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSSection II. MOTOR-GENERATORFigure 17. Control panel assembly, exploded viewFigure 17. Control panel assembly, exploded view - ContinuedFigure 18. Magnetic starter, exploded view.Figure 19. Motor-generator, exploded view.Figure 19. Motor-generator, exploded view - ContinuedAppendix I. REFERENCESAppendix I. REFERENCES - ContinuedAppendix II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION. CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedAppendix III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTFigure 20. Basic issue items.Section II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - ContinuedAppendix IV. REPAIR PARTS LISTExplanation of Repair Parts and Prescribed Load Listing (Table 1)Table 1. Prescribed Load ListingExplanation of Repair Parts and Prescribed Load Listing (Table 1) - Continued'32417.PDF' by LOGSA - Page 90 of 101SECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LISTSECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LIST - ContinuedSECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LIST - ContinuedSECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LIST - ContinuedSECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LIST - ContinuedSECTION II - REPAIR PARTS LIST - Continued