Quantity of equipment to be supported,
h. Direct and General Support Maintenance 15-Day
multiplied by the listed allowance factor divided
by 100.
(1) Direct Support (DS). This column lists the initial
Fractions derived from the use of the above
guide quantity allowance factors of repair parts
formula will be rounded to whole numbers as
authorized for initial stockage by direct support
follows: If the result is 1 or more and includes a
maintenance activities to provide direct support
fraction that is 0.5 or more, the quantity is
maintenance for Mobility Command equipment
rounded to the next higher number.
and to provide organizational maintenance
repair parts for supported units for a 15-day
Example: If the number of equipment supported
period. Additional repair parts identified by an
asterisk are explained in g above.
is 30 and the allowance factor for 100
establishment of supply records, recorded
equipments is 5, the following formula would be
demand experience will be used to compute
30 X 5 100 = 1.5
stockage objectives on authorized repair parts.
Review of stockage objectives will be performed
The resulting fraction is 0.5; therefore, the
in the time cycle prescribed by major
stockage is 2. If the result is 1 or more and
includes a fraction of less than 0.5, the quantity
is rounded to the next lower number. When the
(2) General Support (GS). This column lists initial
computed result is less than 0.5, no quantity is
guide quantity allocation factors of repair parts
authorized for direct and general support, and
authorized for initial stockage by general
depot maintenance.
support maintenance activities to provide
general support maintenance for Mobility
Example: If the number of equipment supported
Command equipment for a 15-day period.
is 30 and the allowance factor for 100
Additional repair parts identified by an asterisk
equipments is 28, the following formula would
are explained in g above. Upon establishment
be used:
30 X 28 100 = 8.4
of supply records, recorded demand experience
will be used to compute stockage objectives on
The resulting fraction is less than 0.5; therefore,
authorized repair parts. Review of the stockage
the stockage is 8.
objectives will be performed in the time cycle
prescribed by major commanders.
(3) In the guide quantity columns for direct and
general support maintenance, additional repair
(3) Units with TOE capability of performing partial or
parts authorized for use but not for initial
stockage, are listed without a guide quantity
maintenance for organic Mobility Command
factor. These items are identified by an asterisk
equipment. Units with the TOE capability of
and may be added to or deleted from stock
performing partial or complete direct and
when recorded demand experience justifies a
general support maintenance for organic
change in stockage objective.
Mobility Command equipment will be authorized
to stock direct and/or general support repair
(4) Parts that may be required for depot
parts only when specific agreements are made
maintenance, in addition to those allocated, are
between the commander of the designated parts
identified by an asterisk. These parts are to be
supply activity, normally Direct Support Units
requisitioned, when required, if not obtainable
(DSU) and using unit. Parts so furnished are in
addition to the prescribed load and will be
adjusted as demands indicate.
AGO 8244A