(3) Remove attaching screws and remove switches
are removed and installed in a similar manner. If either
is found to be damaged or defective it should be
(4) Install by reversing above procedure.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
b. Removal and Installation.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved cleaning solvent
and dry thoroughly.
(1) Remove screws which attach meter mounting
(2) Inspect contact blades for burnt or corroded
assembly to front panel.
(2) Tag and disconnect electrical leads.
(3) Replace a damaged or defective switch.
(3) Remove attaching hardware and remove meter.
65. Current Selector
(4) Install by reversing above procedure.
a. Removal and Installation.
63. Terminal Blocks
(1) Tag and disconnect electrical leads.
(2) Remove control handle from current selector
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(1) Disconnect electrode and ground cables (para
(3) Remove attaching screws and remove switch as
(2) Tag and disconnect all remaining electrical
(4) Install by reversing above procedure.
leads from terminal blocks.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved cleaning solvent
(3) Remove attaching hardware and remove
and dry thoroughly.
terminal block assemblies.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved solvent and dry
(2) Inspect all insulation material for cracks or
breaks. Replace any part found defective.
(3) Inspect all electrical terminals for corrosion,
damaged threads, or any condition preventing
good electrical contact. Replace damaged or
defective parts as necessary.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Attach terminal block assemblies in position with
attaching hardware.
(2) Attach electrical leads to proper terminals.
(3) Connect electrode and ground cables (para 9).
Electrode Selector and Polarity Reversing
a. General.
The electrode selector and polarity
reversing switch are quite similar in construction and are
removed and installed in the same manner.
b. Removal and Installation.
(1) Tag and disconnect electrical leads.
(2) Remove control handles from switches as
Figure 13.
Magnetic starter, removal and installation
AGO 8244A