when no Federal stock number is indicated in the
such repair parts will be requisitioned with
Federal stock number column.
Example: (08645) 86453.
(3) Maintenance.
(3) Repair part quantities included in kits, sets, and
assemblies, that differ from the actual quantity used
(a) The lowest maintenance level authorized to
in this specific end item, are listed in parentheses.
manufacture, assemble, and/or install the part is
When a minimum stockage
indicated by one of the following code symbols:
sufficient to repair one item and/or assembly
O-Organizational Maintenance
is authorized, this quantity will be indicated
F-Direct Support Maintenance (DS)
in the Description column with the notation
H-General Support Maintenance (GS)
"minimum stockage of ------- is authorized."
D-Depot Maintenance
d. Unit of Issue. If no abbreviation is shown in this
(b) This column is blank when components of kits
column, the unit of issue is "each."
or sets are listed that are not applicable to the
item of equipment, or when an item is source
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit.
The actual
coded X1.
number of parts used in the application indicated is
(4) Recoverability.
Repair parts and/or tool and
shown in this column. A zero (0) is shown when
equipment items that are recoverable are indicated
components of kits or sets are listed that are not
by one of the following code symbols:
applicable to this specific end item.
(a) R-applied to repair parts and assemblies which
f. 15-Day Organizational Maintenance Allowance.
are economically repairable at direct and
Shown for each repair part is either a quantity or an
general support maintenance activities and
asterisk allocation which indicates the following:
normally are furnished by supply on an
exchange basis.
(1) A guide quantity factor is shown for each repair
part authorized to be stocked by organizational
(b) U-applied to repair parts specifically selected for
maintenance. This quantity is based on past
salvage by reclamation units because of
experience with similar items and the latest
precious metal content, critical materials, high-
mortality data for 1,500 hours operation per year.
dollar value reusable casings, castings, and the
It is the average quantity required to provide one
prescribed load for 1-5 and/or 6-10 items of
Note. When no code is shown in the
equipment for a 15-day period under average
recoverability column the part is considered
combat conditions.
b. Federal Stock Number. The Federal stock
(2) The quantity of repair parts authorized for
number will be shown in this column and will be used for
stockage in accordance with the number of
requisitioning purposes.
prescribed loads authorized by the major
commander are determined by using table 1.
c. Description.
(3) Table 1 is a consolidation of items quantitatively
(1) The item name and a brief description of the part
allocated in this manual. Quantities listed are for
are shown.
one prescribed load for a 15-day period. A
stockage sufficient to repair one item
(2) A five-digit Federal supply code for manufacturers
and/or assembly is authorized (e.g., if 3 belts are
and/or other supply service is shown in parentheses,
required, then
followed by the manufacturer's part number. This
number will be used for requisitioning purposes
AGO 8244A