distances. Secure a suitable towing device to the
13. Dismantling for Movement
tongue and proceed slowly to a new worksite.
a. Preparation for Movement.
(1) Disconnect all electrical power leading to
c. Long Distance Movement. The welding machine
welding machine.
should be recrated and transported by a suitable carrier
(2) Disconnect welding cables and remote
to a new long distance workingsite.
(3) Refer to the basic issue items list and make
sure all items listed are on or with the
14. Reinstallation After Movement
The welding machine should be installed or set up
after movement in accordance with procedures outlined
b. Short Distance Movement. The welding machine
may be pulled by hand, or towed relatively short
characteristics. If the overload relay should trip it is an
15. General
indication that one of the above-mentioned malfunctions
exists. Find the cause and remedy it before attempting
This section describes, locates, illustrates and
further operation. It may be necessary to allow the
furnishes the operator, crew, or organizational
welding machine to cool a few minutes before it can be
pertaining to the various controls and instruments
provided for the proper operation of the welding
19. Reversing Switch
16. Controls and Instruments
The reversing switch (fig. 7) provides a means of
reversing the polarity by setting the lever at "straight" or
"reverse" polarity.
The controls and instruments and the normal and
maximum reading of the instruments are illustrated in
20. Rheostat Current Selector
17. Stop-Start Switch
The rheostat current selector (fig. 7) varies the
current output of the welding machine and has a range
of 0 to 10 amperes.
The stop-start switch (fig. 7) is used to start or stop
the current flow directed to the motor generator of the
welding machine causing the machine to run or stop
21. Electrode Selector
The electrode selector (fig. 7) varies the voltage of
18. Magnetic Starter
the welding current suitable to the size (diameter) of the
welding electrode being used.
It has a range of 3/32 to 5/16 inch.
The motor starter is a magnetic across-the line
contactor that is operated by the stop-start switch on
the control panel.
This starter incorporates an
22. Remote Control Switch
automatic reset thermal-overloading relay. This relay
protects the welding machine against severe and
The remote control switch (fig. 7) switches the
continuous overloads, low line voltages, stalled single-
control of the open circuit voltage of the welding
phase conditions and locked rotor conditions. Do not
machine from the rheostat current selector on the
attempt to change the overload setting. This has been
control panel to the remote control rheostat assembly.
set at the factory to insure accurate tripping
ACO 8244A