profile of the welding machine and that which is
Depreservation Guide.
DA Form 2258
(Depreservation Guide of Engineer Equipment).
(2) Disassembled items will be packed with the
(1) A properly annotated depreservation guide will
publications in a suitable container and secured
be completed concurrently with preservation for
to the welding machine to prevent loss or
each item of mechanical equipment.
peculiar requirements will be outlined in the
If packing is required to provide
blank spaces on the form. The completed
adequate protection against damage during
depreservation guide will be placed with the
shipment, refer to TM 38-230 for guidance in
equipment in a water-proof envelope marked
crate fabrication.
"Depreservation Guide, " and fastened in a
75. Loading Equipment for Shipment
conspicuous location on or near the operator's
Use appropriate materials handling equipment of
sufficient capacity to lift the welding machine onto the
(2) Prior to placing equipment in operation or to the
carrier. Block and tie the unit to the carrier to assure
extent necessary for inspection depreservation
that it will not move during transit.
of the item shall be performed as outlined on
76. Preparation of Equipment for Storage
the depreservation guide.
a. Detailed instructions for preparation of the welding
f. Sealing of Openings. Openings that will permit the
machine for limited storage are provided in paragraph
direct entry of water into the interior or the welding
74. Limited storage is defined as storage not to exceed
machine will be sealed with pressure-sensitive tape
6 months. Refer to AR 743-505.
conforming to specification PPP-T-60, type III, class 1.
b. Every effort should be made to provide covered
g. Exterior Surface. Coat exposed machined ferrous
storage for the welding machine. If this is impossible,
select a firm, level, well-drained storage location,
protected from prevailing winds. Position the welding
machine on heavy planking.
Cover the welding
not available, cup grease may be used.
machine with a tarpaulin or other suitable waterproof
h. Marking. Will conform to MIL-STD-129.
covering and secure in a manner that will provide the
i. Electrode and Ground Cables. Cables will be
welding machine maximum protection from the
disconnected, vent holes sealed and all terminals
wrapped and secured with type III, class I, pressure-
77. Inspection and Maintenance of Equipment in
sensitive tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-60.
j. Disassembly, Disassembled Parts and Basic Issue
Every 90 days, the welding machine will be inspected
as outlined in "Preventive Maintenance Services,
Quarterly" (para 37) and operated long enough to assure
(1) Disassembly will be limited to the removal of parts
complete lubrication of bearings. After each inspection
and projecting components that tend to increase the
period, the welding machine will be represerved as
AGO 8244A