CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-228-140008Figure 1-1. Welding machine right front, three-quarter view with shipping demensionsFigure 1-2. Welding machine, left rear, three-quater view.Identification and Tabulated Data - TM-5-3431-228-140011Figure 1-3 Rose planCHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS cont. - TM-5-3431-228-140014INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS cont. - TM-5-3431-228-140015Figuer 2-1. Grounding methodsFigure 2-2. Gas and Water connections.Figure 2-3. Voltage change bars for 230 or 460 volt inputSection II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITE - TM-5-3431-228-140019Figure 2-4. Contros and instruments. front panel.Fiqure 2-5. Timer drawer, controls.Section IV. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-3431-228-140022Figure 2-6. Welding cable connectionsFigure 2-7. Starting the welding machine.Figure 2-8. Stopping the welding machine.Operating ProceduresFigure 2-9. Welding machine operation.METALLIC ARC WELDINGTUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDINGSPOT ARC WELDINGSection V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-5-3431-228-140031CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-3431-228-140032Table 3-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-5-3431-228-140033Figure 3-2. Removing and installing fuse F1.Table 3-2. Organizational TroubleshootingSECTION V. FIELD EXPEDIENT REPAIRS - TM-5-3431-228-140036Timer Functions (fig. 2-5)High Frequency CircuitFigure 3-4. High frequency and timer drawer, removal and installation.Figure 3-5. Welding machine top and housing, removal and installation.Figure 3-6. Door lock, removal and installation.Figure 3-8. Power, gas-water, and high frequency switches, removal and installation.Figure 3-9. Interlock switch, removal and installation.Figure 3-10. Spot are and high frequency dropout switches removal and installation.Figure 3-11. Remote receptacle, amperage switch, and contactor switch, removal and installation.Figure 3-12. Thermastatic switch. removal and installation.Figure 3-13. Spark gap assembly, removal and installation.Figure 3-14. Spark gap adjusment.Figure 3-16. Timers. removal and installation.Figure 3-17. Timer receptacles, removal and installation.Figure 3-18. Main contactor, removal and installation.Figure 3-19. solenoid valves, removal and installation.Figure 3-20. Voltage change bord. removal and installation.Figure 3-21. Fan motor and guord assembly, removal and installation.Figure 3-22. Fan blade, motor, and ballast resitor, removal and installation.Figure 4-1. Remote foot control schematicFigure 4-2. Remote foot control. disassembly.Figure 4-3. Switch and rheostat, removal and installation.CHAPTER 5 SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USESection Il. DEMOLITION OF MATERIAL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-5-3431-228-140060CHAPTER 6 DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT, MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 6-1. Time standards-ContinuedTable 6-2. Direct Suport and General Support Troubleshoting. Section V. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS AND AUXILIARIESFigure 6-1. Front control panel, removal and installation.Figure 6-2. Range switch and polarity switch. removal and installation.Figure 6-3. Weld amperes control rheostat, removal and installation.Figure 6-4. High frequency start intensity control rheostat. removal and installation.Figure 6-5. Main transformer T1 and filter reactor L1, removal and installation.Figure 6-6. Overloud relayK7 and control transformer T2. removal and installation.Figure 6-7. High frequecy transformer T3. relays K5 and K6. and capacitor C9. removal and installation.Figure 6-9. Relays K1, 2, K3, K4 control rectifier CR2, and relay assembly, removal and installation.Figure 6-10. Pilot rectifier CR3, removal and installation.Figure 6-11. Power factor capacitor C1, removal and installation.Figure 6-12. Filter capacitor C7 and resistor R3 and R4, removal and installation.Figure 6-14. Power metifierassembly. diodes CRS-CR7. removal and installation.Figure 6-14. Timer and high frequency drawer harness, removal and installation.CHAPTER 7 REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSFigure 7-1Figure 7-4. Welding Machine Schmatic Diagram.APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-5-3431-228-140081APPENDIX B BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZED LISTAPPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-228-140083Explanation of Columns in Section IllSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-228-140085Section IIl. SPECIAL TOOL AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSALPHABETICAL INDEXALPHABETICAL INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-228-140088ALPHABETICAL INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-228-140089ALPHABETICAL INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-228-140090ALPHABETICAL INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-228-140091ALPHABETICAL INDEX cont. - TM-5-3431-228-140092TM-5-3431-228-14 Welding Machine ARC: AC/DC 300 Amp Transformer Rectifier; Constant Current Base Mounted FSN 3431-235-4728 Manual