which is subject to pilferage.
5-1. Preparation of
Equipment for Ship-
(2) Disassembled items will be packed with the
publications in the toolbox if possible. Otherwise,
a. General. Detailed instructions for the prepara-
items will be packed in a suitable container and se-
tion of engineer equipment for domestic shipment
cured to the equipment to prevent loss or pilferage.
are outlined below. Preservation will be accomplish-
Note. If packaging is required to provide adequate protec-
ed in sequence that will not require the operation of
tion against damage during shipment, refer to TM 38-230 for guid-
previously preserved components.
ance in crate fabrication.
b. Inspection. The welding machine will be inspect-
5-2. Loading Equipment for Shipment
ed for any unusual conditions such as damage, rust-
ing, accumulation of water, and pilferage. Inspection
a. Loading.
of the individual components and assemblies will be
(1) Be sure the packing crate remains right side
as outlined on the "Preventive Maintenance Service,
up when removing the welding machine to the load-
Quarterly" in this manual.
ing site.
c. Cleaning and Drying. Clean all surfaces with an
(2) The welding machine can be loaded with
approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly. Refer
to TM 38-230 for choice and application of cleaning
Warning: When using a lifting device to
move the welding machine, make sure that it has a
d. Painting. Paint all surfaces on which the paint
safe lifting capacity of at least 1,000 pounds, Do
has been removed or damaged. Refer to TM 9-213 for
n o t allow the welding machine to swing freely
detailed cleaning and painting instructions.
when being lifted. Failure to observe this warning
e. Depreservation Guide. DA Form 2258 Depreser-
may cause damage to the equipment or serious in-
vation Guide of Engineer Equipment.
jury to personnel.
(1) A properly annotated (depreservation guide
b. Shipping. Block or tie welding machine right
will be completed concurrently with preservation
side up to the bed of the carrier to prevent shifting
for each item of mechanical equipment with all pecu-
while being transported.
liar requirements outlined in the remarks column.
5-3. Preparation of
Equipment for Storage
The complete depreservation guide will be placed
with the equipment in a waterproof envelope, marked
a. Detailed Instructions for preparation of the
welding machine for limited storage are provided in
"Depreservation Guide," and fastened in a conspicu-
ous location on or near the operator's controls.
(2) Prior to placing equipment in operation or to
not to exceed six (6) months. Refer to TM 740-90-1
the extent necessary for inspection depreservation of
(Administrative Storage of Equipment).
the item will be preformed as outlined on the depre-
b. Every Effort Should be made to provide cover-
servation guide.
ed storage for the welding machine. If this is im-
possible, select a firm, level, well-drained storage
f. Sealing of Openings. The fan guard opening
located in the back panel of the welding machine will
location, protected from prevailing winds. Position
be covered with waterproof paper and sealed with
the welding machine on heavy planking. Cover the
welding machine with a tarpaulin or other suitable
type III, Class I, pressure sensitive tape conforming
to Specification PPP-T-60.
waterproof covering and secure in a manner that
will provide the welding machine maximum protec-
g. Marking. Will conform to MIL-STD-129.
h. Disassembly, Disassembled Parts, and BaSic
tion from the elements.
Issue Items.
5-4. Inspection and Maintenance of
(1) Disassembly will be limited to the removal
ment in Storage
of parts and projecting components that tend to in-
a. Inspection. When the welding machine has been
crease the overall profile of the equipment and that