OPERATORS, ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL - TM-5-3431-226-150001OPERATORS, ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECT SUPPORT, GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE MANUAL - TM-5-3431-226-150003APPENDIX B BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND ITEMS TROOP INSTALLED OR AUTHORIZEDOperator Is, Organizational, Direct Support, G e n e r a l S u p p o r t , and Depot Maintenance ManualSection I. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-226-150007Section I. INTRODUCTION cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150008Figure 1. Electrical Schematic Diagram.Figure 2. Wiring Diagram Control Panel. Figure 3. Interconnetion schaic.Figure 4. Wiring Diagram Gunand eeder,Figure 1. Fixed- Pressure Regulator with Flow AdaptorTABLE I Fixed- Pressure Single-Stage RegulatorFigure 2. Flow Adapter for Pipeline ServiceFigure 3. Flow Adapter MarkingsFigure 3. Flow Adapter Markings cont.SectionIV. MAINTENANCEDIAPHRAGM REPLACEMENTDIAPHRAGM REPLACEMENT cont.Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3431-226-150023Section II. INSTALLATIONFigure 4. Removing Drive Roll HousingFigure 8. Wire Guide FittingsFigure 9. Adjusting Setscrew for Conical Roll ShaftFigure 15. Final Position of Wire Guide Fittings in Gun BarrelSection III. OPERATION - TM-5-3431-226-150029PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES FOR GUN OPERATIONSection IV. MAINTENANCETable IV. Gun Troubleshooting RETHREADING BROKEN WELD WIREFigure 1. Model AHF - El Push-Pull Wire FeederSection I I . INSTALLATIONFigure 3. W i r e Feeder, Front ViewFigure 4. Wire Feeder, Inside ViewFigure 6. Drive Roll HousingFigure 7. Interconnection DiagramFigure 8. Connecting GunSection III. OPERATION - TM-5-3431-226-150042TABLE IV Functions of Controls and Selected Electrical ComponentsFigure 10. Sequence Chart, Wire Feeder OperationFigure 11. Schematic DiagramFigure 12. Wiring DiagramPRE-OPERATION CHECKSFigure 13. Brake MechanismFigure 15. Timing Belt AdjustmentFigure 16. Adjustment Point for Timing BeltTABLE V Welding System TroubleshootingTABLE VI Feeder TroubleshootingFig. 1 Model AH C- B Cent rolFig. 2 DimensionsFig. 3 Tube and Fuse LocationFig. 4 Model AHC-B Control (Inside View)Fig. 5 Interconnection DiagramSection Ill. OPERATIONFig. 6 Wiring DiagramFig . 7 Schematic DiagramFig. 8 Sequence ChartFig. 9 Control ComponentsF i g . 10 Calibration ChartsTABLE III. Troubleshooting SystemTABLE IV. Troubleshooting Control (Figs. 7 and 8)TABLE V. Functions of Electronic Components (Figs. 7 & 9)TABLE V. Functions of Electronic Components (Figs. 7 & 9) (Continued)Figure 1. Dimensions (40 Gall Unit Shown)Figure 2. Circulator MountingFigure 4. Bearing InstallationAPPENDIX A REFERENCEAPPENDIX B BASISSUE ITEM LISTAPPENDIX B BASISSUE ITEM LIST cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150074APPENDIX B BASISSUE ITEM LIST cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150075APPENDIX B BASISSUE ITEM LIST cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150076Section II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSECTION 111. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES - TM-5-3431-226-150078APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-226-150079APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150080APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150081SECTION 11 - MAINTENACE ALLOCATION CHARTSECTION 11 - MAINTENACE ALLOCATION CHART cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150083SECTION 11 - MAINTENACE ALLOCATION CHART cont. - TM-5-3431-226-150084SECTION 11- MAINTENACE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-226-150085SECTION 11- MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART SECTION 11 - MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-226-150088MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-3431-226-150089RECOMENDED CHANGES TO EQUIPMENT TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS - TM-5-3431-226-150091TM-5-3431-226-15 Welding Set ARC Inert Gas Shielded: Water Cooled Aluminum Welding General Purpose (Airco Model 2351 1209) FSN 3431-731-4163 Manual