(14) Install pipe plugs in lower manifold
(15) Install oil pressure relief valve assem-
bly consisting of valve, washers, spring, gas-
k e t , and valve plug in cylinder block in
(16) Install hole plugging plates in holes
in bottom of valve tappet chamber in cylinder
(17) Install gasket and valve tappet cham-
ber cover on three attaching studs with nuts
and gaskets.
(18) Install gasket and fuel pump on at-
taching studs with two nuts and washers.
(19) Install gasket and manifold assembly
o n c y l i n d e r block with attaching studs,
washers, and nuts.
(20) Install temperature sender bushing
and water temperature shutdown in cylinder
(21) Install gasket and cylinder head on
cylinder block with attaching screws and flat
(22) Position gasket on studs and install
thermostat, ring, and water outlet elbow with
(23) Screw stud into gear cover. Slide
washers square mounts and round mount on
stud and turn a few turns on stud to hold
mounts and washers on stud until engine and
(24) Install water pump and fan assembly
(25) Install spark plugs and leads in ac-
(26) Install magneto in accordance with
rear filler block.
(29) Install governor in accordance with
(30) Install carburetor in accordance with