machine. Check specific gravity with hydrom-
a. Removal.
eter. If specific gravity is below 1,250, replace
(1) Remove electrical leads to the battery
with fully charged battery. Test battery ca-
pacity with high-discharge tester. If individ-
(2) Remove wing nuts holding battery
ual cell volgage falls below 1.5 volts or if cell
voltage vary by more than 0.20 volts between
hold down bar, remove bar and battery.
b. Cleaning. Clean corrosive deposits from
cells, replace battery.
e. Removal and Installation (Models LEB
batteries, hold-down bar and attaching parts
300 and LEW 300).
with baking soda and water solution and wire
or stiff bristle brush. Flush all parts with clean
install the battery.
water and dry with compressed air.
c. Installation. Reinstall the batteries by re-
versing the removal procedure.
a. Removal and Installation. Remove and in-
d. Servicing. Use only fully charged bat-
teries when reinstalling batteries in welding