gine with mount (4), washer (3) and nut (1).
frame making sure stud on gear cover is
aligned with hole in frame. Before inserting
f r a m e with attaching bolts (32), washers
stud in hole in frame, assemble washer (fig.
(33) and nuts (34). Insert battery ground
6-34) and
mounts on
stud. Lower
engine and
cable between washer (33) and frame.
(15) Remove current plate (4) by remov-
6-14. Control PaneI
ing screw (3).
a. Removal and Disassembly. To remove and
(16) Remove shunts (54 and 69) by re-
disassemble control panel assembly, proceed as
moving screws (55 and 70), washers (52 and
71) and nuts (57 and 72).
b. Cleaning. Wipe panel, dials (4, 18, and
and install control panel.
40) and gauges and meters with solvent-damp-
(2) Disconnect electrical wiring to panel
ened cloth and dry with clean, lint-free cloth.
component. Tag all leads to facilitate reinstalla-
Clean switches (22, 35 and 36) with com-
pressed air. Clean all threaded parts in sol-
(3) Remove polarity switch (17, fig. 6-
vent, using brush if necessary and dry thor-
40) by removing polarity switch plate (18)
oughly. Wipe power outlets with clean, lint-
and screws (19).
free cloth.
(4) Remove circuit breaker (49) by re-
c. Inspection. Inspect panel for dents and
moving screws (50), washers (51 and 52) and
cracks. Inspect gauges and meters for cracked
nut (53).
or broken glass and defaced dials. Inspect elec-
(5) Remove remote plug (20) by remov-
trical terminals for corrosion and damaged
ing screw (21).
threads. Inspect rheostat for burned or black-
(6) Remove resistor (26) by removing
ened areas and open turns. Inspect switch for
screw (27), washer (28) and nut (29).
pitted and corroded contacts. Inspect choke
(7) Remove resistor bracket (30) by re-
cable for kinks and free movement of control
moving screw (31), w a s h e r (32) and nut
wire inside cable. Check wiring harness for
(33) .
good condition and missing lugs or cable
(8) Remove outlet receptacle (44) and
capacitor (46) by removing screw (45),
washers (47) and nuts (48).
d. Repair. Straighten panel if dented or
( 9 ) Remove switch (25) and resistor
warped. Replace any defective leads in wiring
harness with same size and length of wire and
(10) Remove hourmeter (13) by removing
tie new lead to harness at six-inch intervals.
screws (14), washers (15) and nuts (16).
If contacts of switch are slightly pitted or
blackened, clean with No. 00 sandpaper. Re-
(11) Remove auxiliary generator volt-
place all other parts which do not pass in-
meter (9), auxiliary generator ammeter (8),
e. Reassembly and Installation. To reassem-
generator ammeter (6) by removing screw
ble and install control panel assembly, reverse
(10), washer (11) and nut (12).
removal and disassembly procedure.
(12) Remove battery charging ammeter
(75) fuel gauge (74), water temperature in-
dicator (76) and oil pressure gauge (77) from
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(13) Remove remote switch (22), magneto
in current control handle (2) and slide handle
switch (36), starter switch (35) and choke
from shaft.
control (37) from panel.
(2) Remove control panel in accordance
(14) Remove rheostat (43) by removing
voltage dial plate (40), screw (41) and wash-
(3) Remove nut (3) and disconnect cables
er (42).
at rear of current control.