(25) Remove flywheel, crankshaft and pis-
(20) Lift out hole plugging plates from
tappet chamber.
move rear adapter plate.
secure oil pan to crankcase and remove oil pan
(27) Unscrew and remove oil pressure re-
and gasket.
lief valve plug, gasket, spring, and valve.
(28) Remove water and oil passage pipe
10) and remove nuts and screws that secure
gear cover. Remove cover and gasket.
plugs from cylinder block.
( 2 3 ) Remove crankshaft gear and oil
b. Cleaning. Clean all parts in solvent. Use
wire brush to remove dirt and corrosion. Steam
clean block and blowout all passages with com-
(24) Remove screws and washers and re-
pressed air. Carefully wipe out cylinder bores
move front end plate.
with solvent-dampened cloth and dry with lint