disc backing plate (50) onto armature shaft.
pressed air. Wipe dirt and excess grease from
(3) Install coupling ring (47) with
bearing (14 and 42) with clean, lint-free
screws (48) and clip (49). Bend down cor-
cloth. Clean exciter commutator with No. 00
ners of locking clip over screw heads.
sandpaper and finish cleaning with vacuum
(4) While supporting armature, slide
armature toward engine and attach with screw
c. Inspection. Inspect armature (44) and
(45) and clip (46). Bend down corners of
coils (36, 37 and 38) for shorts, opens and
locking clips over heads of screws.
grounds in manner similar to that outlined in
(5) Slide dust cap (43) and gasket (27)
para 6-3 for battery charging generator. In-
onto armature shaft. Place bearing (42) on
spect commutator for roughness, high mica,
armature shaft and drive by gently tapping
and out-of-round condition. If
slightly rough,
with wooden mallet or rubber headed ham-
commutator can be reconditioned with No. 00
mer to protect bearing.
sandpaper. For correction of other conditions,
(6) Install brushholder rocker with at-
turn commutator down in lathe until smooth
taching screw (40) and washer (41).
and concentric with shaft, then undercut mica
(7) Install main pole piece (35), shunt
with No. 00 sandpaper. Check bearing (42)
field coil (36), interpole pole piece and coil
and dust caps (25 and 43) for good condition.
(37) and series field coil (38) into frame (31)
Inspect clips (49), coupling ring (47) discs
by gently tapping onto position with block of
(50 and 51) and fan (52) for good condition.
wood and hammer, being careful to keep field
Inspect rocker (39) for good condition.
coils in proper position.
Inspect exciter brushes (11), armature (18)
(8) Carefully slide frame (31) over arma-
and field coils (10) in manner similar to that
ture (44) and secure with screws (29) and
outlined for battery charging generator. In-
washers (30),
spect commutator for roughness, high mica,
(9) Install gasket (27) and outer dust
and out-of-round condition. If necessary, cor-
cap (25) with screw (26).
rect those conditions the same as for the weld-
(10) Install key (24) on exciter fan (21).
ing generator. Inspect brushholder (12) for
(11) Slide exciter fan (21) on generator
armature shaft and tighten set screws (22 and
d. Repair. Replace armature (44) or coils
(36, 37 and 38) which are defective and can-
(12) Install exciter armature (18) with
not be easily repaired. Turn down commutator
screw (19) and lock clips (20). Bend corner
in lathe if rough or worn out-of-round and
of clips over screw heads.
(13) Install cover (16) with screw (17).
Straighten fan (52) blades if bent. Replace
(14) Install clamping ring (15), bearing
any other parts which do not pass inspection.
(14) and bearing case (13) on armature shaft.
Replace exciter brushes (11) if worn to less
(15) Install brush (11) and brushholder
(12) on exciter frame.
coils (10 ) which are defective and cannot be
(16) Install pole pieces (8) and exciter
easily repaired. Turn down commutator in
pole coil on exciter frame with screw (9).
lathe if rough or out-of-round and undercut
(17) Holding exciter brush (11) back,
carefully slide exciter frame (5) over arma-
other parts which do not pass inspection.
ture shaft. Release brushes against armature.
e. Reassembly and Installation. To reassem-
(18) Install exciter frame attaching screws
ble and install the arc welding generator as-
(6) and washer (7).
sembly, proceed as follows:
(19) Install exciter cover (1) and tighten
(1) Mount engine on suitable support to
attaching screw (2).
(20) Place rope or chain hoist capable of
of floor with rope or chain hoist. If using
supporting 1800 pounds around nut (fig. 6-
chain hoist, support armature in rope cradle
34), mount washers and mounts from stud.
to prevent damage to armature.
Hoist assembly into position over frame and
(2) Slide blower fan (52), disc (51) and
slowly and carefully lower assembly onto