gear cover. Replace any other parts which do
free cloth. Clean gasket seating surfaces with
not pass inspection.
scraper and compressed air. Scrape carefully so
e. Reassembly. To reassemble cylinder and
as not to damage machined surfaces.
c. Inspection.
(1) Before mounting gasket and end plate
on cylinder block, cement gasket to end plate
scoring or wear and remaining parts of relief
with quick drying gasket cement. Install gasket
valve assembly for good condition. Inspect
and end plate with attaching screws and lock-
valve cover for dents, cracks, and warping. In-
spect engine mounts for wear, splitting, or
(2) Install adaptor plate with attaching
and warping.
(3) Install camshaft and valve assembly
(2) Inspect cylinder head for carbon de-
posits and flatness of machined mounting faces.
Check flatness with straight edge and feeler
(4) Install dowels and three pipe plugs on
gauge in three positions across narrow dimen-
front of engine if removed.
sions of head and five positions along length.
(5) Press oil seal into gear cover and in-
Low spots should not exceed limits given in
stall plugging screw and copper washer in side
of cover.
cleanliness and smoothness. Inspect spark plug
(6) Before mounting gasket and gear
holes for damage to threads.
cover on cylinder block, cement gasket to gear
(3) Inspect oil pan for dents and leaks.
cover with quick drying gasket cement. Install
Inspect plates for good condition.
(4) Inspect cylinder blocks for cracks and
gasket and gear cover on cylinder block with
good condition. Clean ring of carbon from
attaching screws, washers and nuts, and copper
around top of cylinder bore formed above travel
of top ring. Determine original diameter of
(7) Install crankshaft pulley outlined in
cylinder barrel by checking cleaned unworn
(8) Install seal in oil guard. Seal in ap-
tervals. Check in similar manner diameter of
proximately one-third larger than width of
groove in guard and must be crushed or ham-
shoulder caused by ring area. If cylinder bore
mered flat to fit guard groove. After flattening,
wear as indicated by maximum difference in
use smooth, rounded tool to press seal into
above checks exceeds 0.008 or if maximum ID
groove as shown in fig. 6-35 until seal is firmly
of worn area exceeds maximum allowable on
seated. Install seal in lower rear filler block
engine never rebored, cylinders need reboring.
If limits of cylinder wear are not exceeded, re-
seals, cut off seals 1/32 inch from end of cast-
placement of piston rings will suffice.
ing. Use sharp knife or razor blade and make
d. Repair. Ridge ream cylinders to remove
cut parallel to surface of casting.
unworn area at top before installing new rings.
(9) Cement seal with small spot of non-
If installing new rings, remove glaze on cylin-
hardening cement to rear filler block as shown
der walls by using glaze breaker to insure
quick seating of rings. Surface hone each cyl-
(10) Install oil guard and filler block on
inder several times. Move g-laze breaker up and
down in cylinder rapidly to produce 45-degree
crosshatch pattern. Clean brush. Dry glaze
(11) Cement seal to front filler block in
breaker before moving to next cylinder. Most
same manner in which seal was installed in
desirable finish can be obtained by using 220
rear filler block, and install front filler block.
grit stones on glaze breaker. Clean all bores
(12) Install gasket and plug in oil pan.
thoroughly with clean oiled cloth to pick up
(13) Install gaskets, oil pan and retaining
particles of dust that may be embedded in
plates with eighteen attaching screw and lock-
walls. Then wipe with clean, dry lint-free cloth.
washer assemblies.
Straighten dents in valve cover, oil pan and