The capacitors are bonded with the two tooth-
per braided bond straps. One bonds the con-
trol panel to the load spring with six tooth-
the engine to the skid base with four tooth-
type lockwashers. The lockwashers are placed
at each side and at each end of the bond
straps. There are several tooth-type lockwash-
ers other than the ones mentioned. Two tooth-
type lockwashers bond the magneto, two bond
ends of battery charging generator to the gen-
erator mounting' bracket, two bond the gen-
erator mounting bracket to the engine block,
two at each mounting bolt bond the regulator
to the skid, two bond the regulator to the
skid, two bond the exciter cover to the exciter
skid base, and two tooth-type lockwashers
bond the hood to the skid base. The charging
system armature and field leads, between the
generator and regulator are enclosed in com-
mon tinned copper braid shielding, terminated
3-18. Testing of Radio Interference
at each end with pigtail connections and pres-
pression Components
Test the capacitors for leaks and shorts on a
sure clamps. The pressure clamps are bonded
capacitor tester; replace defective capacitors,
to threaded fittings with tooth-type lockwash-
If test equipment is not available and inter-v
ference is indicated, isolate the cause of in inter-
ference by the trial--and-error method of re-
3-17. Replacement of
placing each capacitor in turn until the cause
a. Removal of Capacitors.
Section VII.
The following sections of this chapter will pro-
vide repair instructions for all iterns which
The engine and generator are enclosed in a
sheet metal housing. Doors at both sides of
the unit provide access to welding machine
components. Sheet metal panels and hood comp-
plete the housing assembly.
a. Removal.
(2) Remove and disassemble doors and