phragm (37) in solvent and dry thoroughly.
(10) Disassemble solenoid removing seal
Wipe exterior of solenoid (27) and diaphragm
( 2 3 ) , core and cap (24) spring (25), and
(37) with solvent-dampened cloth and dry
spacer (26) from solenoid (27). Spacer (26)
is very thin and may be removed by tapping
with clean, lint-f ree cloth. Wipe dust cap (23)
seal end of solenoid on clean, flat, level surface.
and spacer (26) with clean, lint-free cloth.
(11) Remove two nuts (28), flat washer
Blow out line (47) with compressed air.
(29) and screw (30), then remove two nuts
c. Inspection. Inspect rod (7) for dents or
cracks and line (47) for kinks or breaks. In-
( 3 2 ) and flat washers (33) and lift dia-
spect lever (11) for wear at pivot holes. Hold
phragm assembly from case.
thumb and forefinger lightly over air holes in
diaphragm and work mechanism by hand.
(12) Unscrew and remove seat (34) and
Diaphragm should exhaust air when pushed in.
spacer (35).
Inspect dust seal (23) for good condition and
(13) Unscrew and remove petcock (36)
hardening or lack of resilience. Check for open
from diaphragm (37).
solenoid coil by checking between lugs of leads
(14) Remove and separate parts of two
on solenoid (27) with ohmmeter. Inspect valve
terminal assemblies consisting of nut (38),
(21) and seat for scoring and wear. If valve
flat washer (39), insulating washer (40),
or seat are scored, replace both parts,
bushing (41), insulating washer (42), flat
d. Repair. Remove any undesired kinks and
washer (43), lockwasher (44), and screw (45)
bends from rod (7) but do not deform from
from case (46).
designed shape as fit at carburetor is critical.
(15) Remove vacuum line (47) from ma-
Remove any kinks from line (47) but do not
chine after unscrewing nut (48) from sleeve
deform from designed shape. Replace any other
(49) and disconnecting line at manifold. Un-
parts which do not pass inspection.
screw and remove elbow (50) at manifold.
e. Reassembly and Installation. TO reassem-
b. Cleaning. Clean all parts except dust cap
ble and install engine idler regulator assembly,
( 2 3 ) , spacer (26), solenoid (27) and dia-
reverse the disassembly procedure.
(2) Plug top outlet with waste material.
(3) Insert air hose in bottom outlet and
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to para-
talk securely with cotton waste.
graph 3-39 to remove and install radiator.
b. Cleaning, Remove debris from exterior of
(4) Immerse radiator in water and apply
radiator, If radiator core is clogged with rust,
five pounds of air pressure.
dirt, or other foreign matter, reverse flush ra-
Caution: Do not use air pressure greater
than five pounds per square inch or damage to
clear. Blow out radiator core, directing air
radiator may result.
pressure from both sides of radiator,
(5) Watch for air bubbles and note point
c. Test and Repair. Inspect radiator for core
of origin. Mark point with chalk.
clogged with rust, dirt, or debris. Inspect cap
(6) Solder leak carefully. Do not use more
and gasket for good condition. Inspect drain
solder than necessary. Do not permit solder to
cock for good condition and proper operation
flow into radiator core passages.
of valve mechanism. Check for broken solder
(7) If leaks are numerous or weak or cor-
joints. Test radiator for leaks as follows:
roded spots exist, replace radiator.
(1) Plug overflow pipe then tighten cap
in place.
Section IV.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(1) Remove oil pan and associated parts
(4) .