(3) Remove sleeve (5) and gear (6) after
(23) and check end clearance of gear and shaft
driving out pin (7).
assembly with straight edge and feeler guage.
(4) Remove screen (8).
Clearance shall not be less than minimum limit
(5) Remove frame (9) after removing
two attaching screw and lockwasher assemblies
(10) and spacer (11). Carefully lift off gask-
et (12).
attaching screw and lockwasher assemblies
(6) Remove cover (13) after removing
four attaching screw and lockwasher assem-
(7) Install gasket (12), frame (9) and
blies (14). Carefully lift off gasket (15).
spacer (11) with two attaching screw and
lockwasher assemblies ( 10).
(7) Remove gear (16) and shaft (19) as
(8) Install screen (8) on frame (9).
an assembly then separate gear (16) from
(9) Install gear (6) with attaching pin
shaft (19) after removing snap ring (17). Re-
move Woodruff key (18).
(7) on shaft (19). When replacing gear (6) it
is necessary to line up hole in gear with hole
(8) Remove gear (20) and shaft (21)
in shaft and drill through other half of gear
and separate gear from shaft.
before pinning in place.
(9) Press bushing (22) from body (23)
b. Cleaning. Clean all parts except gaskets
(10) Press sleeve (5) on shaft.
(12 and 15) in solvent and dry with com-
(4) on front intermediate bearing cap with
pressed air. Clean gears (6, 16 and 20) with
attaching washers (3 and 2) and nut (1). Be
wire brush and blow off with compressed air.
c. Inspection. Inspect drive gear (6) for
and main bearing cap. Failure to replace
wear or scoring, inspecting mating gear on
camshaft at same time. If scored or badly
pump and camshaft.
worn, both pump and drive gear and camshaft
must be replaced. Examine gears (16 and 20)
6-10. Crankshaft, Flywheel, and
Piston As-
and pump body (23) for signs of wear indi-
cating lack of clearance. Inspect cover (13) and
a. Removal and Disassembly. To remove and
face of gears for wear or scoring. Replace worn
disassemble crankshaft, flywheel, and piston
or scored gears or cover. If body shows wear,
assembly, proceed as follows:
replace pump. Inspect shaft (19) and bushing
(1) Hold flywheel stationary with bar
(22) for excessive wear. Inspect gaskets (12
and 15) for good condition.
unscrew and remove starting jaw (1). Slide
d. Repair. Replace any parts which do not
off washer (2).
(2) Pull off pulley (3) with suitable gear
pass inspection. If drive gear (6) must be re-
puller, remove keyway plug (4) from keyway
placed, camshaft will probably need replace-
of pulley, and Woodruff key (5) from crank-
ment also.
e. Reassembly and Installation. To reassem-
(3) Remove gear cover as outlined in
ble and install oil pump assembly, proceed as
follows :
(4) Pull off gear (7) with suitable gear
(1) Press bushing (22) into body (23).
puller, then remove Woodruff key (8) and
(2) Slide gear (20) on shaft (21) and
thrust plate (9) from crankshaft.
install shaft and gear assembly in body (23).
(5) Remove flywheel and ring gear (10)
(3) Insert Woodruff key (18) in shaft
after removing six attaching nuts (11), lock-
(19) and slide gear (16) on shaft. Secure gear
washers (12) and bolts (13). Balance plugs
with snap ring (17).
(14) and studs (15) may be removed if nec-
(4) Check gear clearance in body as
(6) Remove cylinder head and oil pan as
gears must not contact walls when rotated.