(4) Connect 050 volt voltmeter from
bly and mounting bracket as illustrated in fig-
ure 3-1.
FLD terminal to generator frame and 050
( 2 ) Remove cover band, then remove
brushes by removing attaching screw. Reverse
this procedure for installing brushes and cover
frame through a heavy-duty knife switch.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(6) Disconnect generator from voltage
(1) Clean outside of housing with a sol-
vent-dampened cloth; dry thoroughly with
obtain 24 volts at the FLD terminal. Ammeter
compressed air.
should indicate between 0.94 and 1.02 amperes.
(2) Blow out inside of generator with low
(7) Rotate generator at 1900 RPM and
pressure air.
close knife switch. Adjust resistor to obtain
(3) Inspect brushes for excessive wear.
indicate 25.8 to 26.2 volts.
(4) Check brush spring tension for 28
a. Removal and Installation. Remove and
(5) Inspect inside of cover band for evi-
install voltage regulator as illustrated in fig-
c. Testing.
ure 3-22.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
tor and battery.
(1) Wipe outside cover with
(2) Polarize generator by momentarily
dampened cloth; dry thoroughly.
jumper lead between GEN (Generator) and
(2) Wipe dirt from inside of
BAT (Battery) terminals of voltage regulator.
with clean, lint-free cloth. Boow out
(3) Connect 0-5 ampere ammeter in se-
with compressed air.
ries with lead to FLD (Field) terminal and
(3) Inspect contact points for
pitted or
0-50 ampere ammeter in series with lead to
burnt spots.
ARM (Armature) terminal.