points open. Relay closing voltage should be
between 24.0 and 27.0 volts. If not within
limits, turn adjusting screw clockwise to in-
crease closing voltage and counterclockwise to
decrease. Set for closing voltage of 25.5 volts.
(7) To check voltage setting of' regulator
relay, disconnect lead from BAT terminal and
ten amperes from BAT terminal to frame.
resistor. Operate generator at 1900 rpm for
15 minutes and note voltage setting on volt-
meter. If not within 27.5 to 29.5 volts, turn
screw until 28.5 volts is obtained. Reduce gen-
erator speed until relay points open, then re-
turn generator speed to 1900 rpm and re-
Figure 3-21. Generator assembly and mounting bracket,
check voltage setting.
removal and installation.
(8) To check current regulator setting,
connect ammeter between battery lead and
(4) Inspect all parts for burnt or black-
BAT terminal. Connect shorting jumper across
ened insulation.
voltage regulator contact points. Operate gen-
c. Adjustment and Test.
erator at 1900 rpm and note current setting.
(1) Clean contacts with spoon or riffler
Setting should be between 16 and 20 amperes.
(2) To adjust cutout relay air gap, loosen
two screws and place fingers on armature.
Move armature down until points just close,
then measure air gap between armature and
center of core. Raise or lower armature as re-
quired to obtain air gap of 0.017 inch, then
tighten screws. Make sure both contact points
close simultaneously. If not, bend one spring
(3) Adjust voltage regulator air gap and
current regulator air gap in the same manner
as described for the cutout relay. Adjust these
air gaps to 0.075 inches.
(4) To adjust cutout relay point opening,
bend upper armature stop which is hooked
over edge of inside spring finger to obtain
0.032 inch.
(5) Connect voltage regulator into cir-
cuit with battery charging regulator and bat-
(6) To check closing voltage of cutout re-
GEN terminal and frame. Slowly increase gen-
erator speed and note relay closing voltage. De-