(4) Remove eleven cable clamps; note
Air Conditioning System Branched Wire
position of clamps and routing of wire harness. Remove
Harness Assembly (13217E4146)
wire harness.
a. Removal.
disconnect the air conditioning system branched wire
b. Disassembly.
After inspection and testing,
harness assembly as follows:
disassemble the wire harness only as required for repair
or replacement.
(1) Remove the terminal board cover from
terminal board (TB8); then remove three nuts and
screws to remove the terminal board.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) To remove connector J67, remove
lockwire and disconnect P67, then remove four nuts and
(1) Clean wire harness with a clean, lint-free
screws and eight washers to remove connector J67.
cloth moistened with approved solvent and dry
(3) Remove lockwires and disconnect the
remaining seven connectors.
(2) Inspect for damaged or loose connector
pins, terminal lugs, and terminal board studs. Check for
any evidence of burned areas indicating shorts. Inspect
connectors for damaged or stripped threads.
Figure 5-7. Air conditioning branched wire harness assembly.