minimum across corners. Check splined end of shaft for
3-22 3-7. Fuel Atomizer Assembly
0.5706 inch minimum measured across two 0.0800 inch
a. General. The fuel atomizer assembly sprays
diameter pins set in any two serrations across diameter.
fuel into the combustion chamber in a pattern that
e. Reassembly. Assemble fuel control unit in
provides proper combustion. Fuel at low pressures is
reverse order of disassembly while observing the
metered through a small orifice and ejected in a
somewhat concentrated spray pattern of low volume
flow. At higher inlet fuel pressures, a relief valve opens
and permits a large volume of flow to be ejected through
a layer orifice in a wide-angle spray pattern. The flow
volume is dependent on the fuel pressure at the fuel
(1) Coat packings with thin film of compound
atomizer assembly inlet. Repair of the fuel atomizer
assembly consists of cleaning or replacement of the
screen and replacement of the relief valve packing.
(2) Install diaphragm assembly (42) with
Further repairs must be referred to depot maintenance.
open convolute side facing outward from housing
b. Removal.
Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for
assembly (43).
instructions on removal of the fuel atomizer assembly.
(3) Install pin (34) in cover (35). Assemble
c. Disassembly.
nut (36), adjustment screw (37), packing 38), washer
(36) and nut (30) to cover (35).
atomizer housing (5).
(4) Install spacer (41) on housing assembly
(2) Remove relief valve (2); then remove
143) with drain hole oriented 90 degrees clockwise from
packings (3 and 4) from the valve.
limiter valve drain boss and with recess in spacer up.
Install packing (39), spring (40) and cover (35) with
attached parts on housing, exercising care that pin (34)
locates inside spring (40) and cover (35) is oriented as
shown in figure 3-8. Secure parts with washers (33) and
screws (32).
(5) Install flyweight assembly in cage if
(6) Install pin (23) in cover (24). Assemble
nut (25), adjustment screw (26), packing (27), washer
(20), nut (19) and packing (28) to cover (24).
(7) Install spring (29) and cover (24) with
attached parts on housing assembly (43), exercising
care that pin (23) locates inside spring (29) and that
parts with washers (22) and screws (21). Tighten screws
(21) to a torque of 50 to 60 inchpounds.
(8) Install packing (18) on plug (17). Install
plug (17) with attached packing (18) in housing
assembly (43). Install packing (16) on plug (15). Install
plug (15) with attached packing (16) in housing. Install
gasket (14) on plug (13). Install plug (13) with attached
gasket (14) in housing.
(9) Install gasket (11) on fitting (10) and
install fitting (10) in end of fuel solenoid valve (81,
opposite of keyway in fuel solenoid valve electrical
connector. Install packings (12) and washer (9) on
Figure 3-9. Fuel atomizer assembly.
fitting, then insert fitting through boss on housing
d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Replacement.
assembly. Secure with washer (7) and nut (6) tightened
(1) Clean the screen thoroughly with solvent
to 100 to 110 inch-pounds torque value.
and dry the screen with clean, filtered compressed air.
(10) Install filter element (5) over guide in
housing assembly. Install packings (4, 3) and filter cap
Replace the screen (1) if it is damaged.
e. Reassembly and Testing. Reassemble the fuel
(11) Install drive shaft (1).
atomizer assembly by reversing the disassembly
f. Installation. Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for
instructions regarding installation and adjustment of the
fuel control unit.