(18) on top of spring (19) with smooth (unbounded) side
next to concave side of spring.
Repair and Replacement of Clutch
(3) Install plate ( 16) on retainer (17).
Install ring (15) on plate (16) align internal spline teeth of
(1) Remove any minor nicks, scratches,
ring (15) with external spline teeth of retainer.
burrs or mild corrosion from clutch components with fine
(4) Install plate (14) on retainer (17).
abrasive paper (Fed Spec P-P-101, No. 600 grit). Parts
Install ring (131 after aligning teeth.
shall meet applicable inspection dimensions after repair.
After repair, clean parts thoroughly.
(5) Install plate (12) over retainer (17) with
rough (bonded) side next to ring (13).
Do not install ring (9) at this time.
(3) If nameplate (2) is defective, apply zinc
chromate primer (Mil Spec MIL P-8585) to screws (1)
(6) Install ring (11 over retainer (17) with
and install new nameplate before primer dries.
smooth (unslotted) side next to plate (12). Install
washer (10) over retainer.
(4) Replace all other damaged or
excessively worn parts. If threads are damaged beyond
(7) Insert pawls (6i) in spider (7), align
simple repair, replace part.
holes and insert pins (5).
Reassembly of Clutch Assembly.
(8) Install assembled parts (5, 6, 7) inside
retainer (7) with pawls (6) protruding through slots in
(1) Apply light film of oil (Military
retainer and with spring hole in spider clockwise 90
Specification MIL-L-7808) to both sides of plates (14,
degrees to spring hole in wall retainer, as viewed from
16, fig. 3-5), rings (13, 15) and flared end of retainer
proper installation of pawls in the spider.
(2) Insert spring (19) in bottom of housing
Make sure that spring holds pawls in the
(21) with convex side toward starter motor. Install plate
retracted position. If not, reverse pawls in spider.