TM 5-6115-586-34
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
a. This manual contains instructions for the use of direct support and general support maintenance personnel
maintaining the power plant, utility, gas turbine engine driven, Libby Model LPU-71, Type A, as allocated by the
Maintenance Allocation Chart. It provides information on the maintenance of the equipment which is beyond the scope
of the tools, equipment, personnel or supplies normally available to operator and organizational level maintenance
b. Appendix A contains a list of publications applicable to this manual.
1-2. Forms and Records
Maintenance forms and records and reports which are to be used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance levels
are listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
1-3. Reporting of Errors
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for improving this publication by the individual user is encouraged.
Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028 Recommended Changes to Publications, and forwarded direct to the
Commanding General, U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MP, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard,
St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
Voltage ................................... 27.5 vdc
1-4. Description
Current ................................... 50 amps (max)
A description of the power plant, its major components and
Speed...................................... 18,000
systems, and its accessory components is provided in TM 5-
25,000 rpm
6115-586-12. Detailed description of specific components
Rated *load test:
and assemblies is contained in the repair instruction chapters
Voltage ... ................................ 27.5 vdc
in this manual.
Current ................................... 135 amps (max)
1-5. Differences Between Models
Torque .................................... 300
This manual covers only Libby Welding Company Power
Plant Model LPU-71. There are no differences between units
Speed ..................................... 4500 to 5500
of this model.
1-6. Tabulated Data
a. General. This paragraph provides tabulated data in
d. Starter Assembly Repair and Replacement
addition to that supplied in TM 5-6115586-12. This additional
data is provided for the use of direct support and general
support maintenance personnel.
Armature end play ....................... 0.008 to 0.010
b. Gas Turbine Engine Classification and Rating.
Shaft seal leakage ....................... 10 cubic inches
per hour (max)
governed speed) ..................... 60 seconds (max)
Special repair compounds and materials:
Compressor type ......................... Two-stage centrifugal
Remove minor nicks,
Inlet air temperature .................... 130F (54C) (max)
scratches or burrs ................... Abrasive paper
Combustion chanber type ............ Single reverse flow tube
Igniter plug type .......................... Air gap
........................................... Specification P-
Reduction gearing ....................... Spur
P-101, No.
Starter motor duty cycle ............... One minute on, one
........................................... 600 Grit)
........................................... minute off or five starts
Outside motor finish removal Abrasive Paper
........................................... in ten minutes
Output shaft speed ...................... 6000 rpm
Turbine wheel speed (full load) 40,700 +/- 100 rpm
101, No.320 Grit)
Governor type ............................. Knife-edge centrifugal
Refinish motor exterior Primer (Cati-Coat
No.E42GP15 and
load continuous operations . 1225 (663C)
Catalyst V77KP15)
Operating oil pressure . ................ 90 +/- 10 psig
then one coat of
Electrical system ......................... 24 vdc
enamel (Cati-Coat
c. Starter Assembly Classification and Rating.
No.F55BP15 and
Catalyst V66KP15,
Horsepower . ................................ 1.5 (rated)
SherwinWilliams Co.,
Operating voltage ........................ 24 vdc (rated)
Cleveland, Ohio, or
Direction of rotation
equivalent; no known
(viewing end of shaft) ............. Counterclockwise
Weight ......................................... 14.9 lb (approx)
No load overspeed test: