g. Removal of Starter Brushes.
(1) Remove the clamp and, insulator strip
from the starter motor end cap.
six flat washers from each of the four brush springs and
eight brush assemblies.
h. Inspection, Replacement, and Installation of
Starter Brushes.
A repair kit shall always be
utilized instead of replacement of
individual parts.
(1) Discard all brush assemblies and replace
with new brush assemblies from repair kit.
(2) Discard insulator and replace with new
insulator from repair kit.
(3) The
Figure 3-7. Using clutch torquing holder and torque
replacements for other parts. Inspect the other parts
wrench adapter to check clutch slip torque.
and replace any damaged or defective parts with those
(13) Raise washer (10, fig. 3-5) so that tangs
supplied in the kit.
are not engaged in slot of ring (11) or housing (21).
(4) Install the brush components by reversing
(14) Turn in ring (11) by wedging a screwdriver
removal procedure.
between radial slots in ring and clutch housing and
i. Bench Test and Brush Run-In.
Provide a
rotating screwdriver clockwise until top surface of ring is
source of DC power capable of producing 16 VDC at
secure against plates. Spray light film of oil (Military
approximately 50 amps. With no load on the starter,
Specification MIL-L7808) on parts in retainer (17).
run-in the brushes until they are seated on at least 80
percent of their contact area. Be sure rotation of the
It is necessary to hold washer (10)
starter motor is counter-clockwise when viewing the
away from ring (11) to prevent
starter from the shaft end.
tang catching in slots when
j. Installation. Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 and
install the starter assembly.
adjusting torque.
3-6. Fuel Control Assembly
Check movement of pawls (6) in
a. General.
The fuel control unit provides
spider (7) to be sure they pivot
regulated fuel flow to the fuel atomizer assembly in
freely and do not bind or stick. It
is imperative that pawl action is
load conditions. The fuel control assembly consists of a
free and unimpeded through
entire stroke.
If pawls bind,
limiter valve, full filter assembly and connections for
adjust spring (8) and check for
pneumatic control, electrical control, fuel inlet, fuel
extraneous material in spider.
outlet, fuel bypass, fuel pressure gauge and a fuel seal
(15) Insert torque wrench adapter (special tool;
drain mainfold.
see table 2-1) into retainer (17) engaging pawls (6) and
b. Removal. Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for fuel
attach suitable torque wrench to socket (fig. 3-7). Slip
control assembly removal instructions, c. Disassembly.
torque required to turn retainer (17, fig. 3-5) clockwise
Disassemble fuel control assembly according to
shall be within 135 to 145 inch-pounds, as indicated on
sequence of index numbers (1 thru 43) assigned to
torque wrench dial. If slip torque is not within specified
limits, tighten or loosen ring (11) as required.
(1) Record location and manner of lockwiring
(16) Slip clutch 10 revolutions after torque
for aid at assembly.
adjustment, using adapter. Recheck slip torque and
(2) Do not disassemble any staked, swaged,
readjust as required.
Continue to slip clutch 10
or press-fit assemblies unless so instructed or unless
revolutions and readjust until slip torque remains within
required after inspection. Do not remove identification
135 to 145 pound-inches after slippage.
plates, decals, studs, passage hole plugs or inserts
(17) Lower washer (10) and insert large tang
unless so instructed or unless required after inspection.
where a slot in ring (11) is exactly aligned with a slot on
(3) Record location and thickness of shims
housing (21).
and spacers for aid at assembly.
(18) Install ring (9) over washer (10) so that
gap of ring is opposite large tang of washer, larger hook
is in a slot of ring (11) and remaining length is in inner
groove of ring.