TM 5-6115-586-34
Table 2-2. Troubleshooting-Continued
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
Refrigeration system operates but
System low on refrigerant. (Low
The refrigerant level should be above
does not meet cooling per-
refrigerant level will be indicated
the lower receiver sight glass
formance requirement. System
if the conditioned air discharge
when operating system. Check
power draw is less than normal.
(from a single part) is highly
and repair refrigerant leaks,
(Discharge conditioned air must
stratafied, i.e., top half may be at
be mixed for accurate tem-
near ambient temperature and a
perature measurement.)
thermal pulse is noted at the
expansion valve.)
Refrigeration system operates but
a. Refrigeration, de-icing, or com- a. Compare corresponding tubing
does not meet cooling per-
pressor bypass valves are not
temperature with both systems
formance requirement. System
functioning properly.
operating and replace defective
power draw is normal.
valve (para.6-2).
b. Expansion valve defective.
b. Replace expansion valve. (see TM
fan inlet.
under roof. Relocate unit or duct
exhaust gases.
Refrigeration system meets
a. Refrigeration system is over-
a. Reduce refrigerant charge (para 2-
cooling performance re-
charged. (Cooling performance
quirements but has excessive
will also deteriorate with a
power draw.
Substantial overcharge, (4
pounds or more excess.)
Hot or cold water pump panel
a. Pumps (B14 or B15) are seized. a. Repeat reset several times.
switches (CB11 or CB12) trip
Rotation may be imparied by
and will not hold reset. (Voltage
deposits in pump. Free or replace
to pumps is satisfactory.
pumps (B14 or B15). (see TM 5-
b. Pump motor failed.
b. Replace pumps (B14 or B15). (see
TM 5-6115-586-12).
Cold water pump (B14) does not
Defective cold water pump panel
Replace pump panel switch (CB12).
have supply voltage. (Main
switch (CB12).
(see TM 5-6115-586-12.)
contactor operation satisfactory).
Hot water pump (B15) does not
a. Defective low pressure water
a. Test and if faulty, replace switch
have supply voltage. (Cold water
switch (S11).
pump operating and pressure at
b. Defective hot water pump panel
b. Replace switch (CB11).(see TM
(S11) exceeds 10 psig.)
switch (CB11).
c. Defective hot water pump con-
c. Replace contactor (K15).(see TM
tactor (K15).
Flow control valve does not open.
a. Hot water pressure switch (S11)
a. Check for sufficient pressure to
K14 does not have supply
close switch (S11). Replace
b. Hot water temperature switch
b. Check that water temperature is
(S12) open.
low enough for switch (S12) or
Hot water temperature is out of
a. Hot water temperature switch
a. Adjust switch (S12) (clockwise to
(S12) is not properly adjusted.
Decrease water temperature)
b. Defective hot water temperature b. Replace switch (S12) (para 8-11).
switch (S12).
c. Defective flow control valve
c. Isolate by opening main contactor
(K10), if exhaust gases continue
port, replace flow control valve
(K14). (see TM 5-6115-586-12).
2-4. Use of Special Troubleshooting Equipment
a. Gas Turbine Engine Analyzer. The gas turbine engine analyzer provides electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic test
systems with their associated controls and instruments for functional testing of the gas turbine engine and malfunctioning
components. A portable multimeter and a portable fuel pressure gauge are provided for use in