(2) Welding repair of corrosion resistant steel
(3) Replace pressure switch found to be
surge tank shall be attempted only by properly certified
defective through inspection or testing.
welder. (Refer to MIL-T-5021, Class A, Group II).
8-8. Installation
Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for installation instructions.
Check continuity across terminal posts; circuit
8-9. General
shall be closed.
This section contains repair instructions for the hot water
e. Apply heated water to pick up area of switch; as
storage tank, the thermostatic switch and the relief
heat reaches 160 4-5 , circuit across terminal posts
valve, mounted to the hot water tank fittings, and the
shall open.
safety relief valve mounted to the heat exchanger
f. Replace switch if damaged beyond simple repair
or if switch fails to meet test requirements.
8-10. Removal of Components
8-13. Pressure and Temperature Relief Valve
Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for instructions on removal
of the hot water tank, thermostatic switch and relief
a. Clean relief valve using a cloth dampened in an
approved solvent.
8-11. Hot Water Tank
b. Inspect threaded areas for crossed, stripped or
a. Cleaning and Inspection.
peened threads.
c. Provide a means of controlling and measuring
pressure and temperature of test water.
Cap all ports on tank. Do not
d. Inspect relief valve for dents, cracks or other
allow solvent to get into tank.
(1) Clean tank externally using an approved
i. Check relief valve setting; valve shall open at 15
cleaning solvent and a stiff bristled brush.
(2) Clean tank internally by back flushing with
f. Check temperature relief setting; valve shall start
clean hot water.
to open at 200 and shall be fully open at 210 .
(3) Inspect threaded areas for crossed,
g. Replace relief valve if damaged beyond simple
stripped or peened, threads.
repair or if inspection requirements are not met.
(4) Inspect tank for cracks, dents or other dam
8-14. Safety Relief Valve
b. Repair.
a. Clean safety relief valve using a cloth dampened
(1) Repair defective threads. If threads
in an approved solvent.
cannot be repaired, replace the tank.
b. Inspect threaded areas for stripped, crossed or
(2) Welding repair of the hot water tank shall be
peened threads.
attempted only by a certified welder (per MIL-T-5021,
c. Inspect body of valve for dents, cracks or other
Class A, Group II).
8-12. Thermostatic Switch
d. Apply air pressure to inlet post of valve and
a. Clean thermostatic switch with a cloth dampened
gradually increase pressure to 100 psig. Valve shall
in an approved solvent.
relieve at 100 5 psig.
b. Inspect threaded areas for crossed, stripped or
e. Replace valve if damaged beyond simple repair
peened threads.
or if test requirements are not met.
c. Inspect switch body for dents, cracks or other
8-15. Installation of Components
Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for installation instructions.