TM 5-6115-586-34
Special assembly compounds and materials
Operating voltage ..............
115/200 vac, 400 Hz, 3
Lubricate packing8agaskets
at installation ................. Petrolatum (Federal
Operating speed after 10
Specification VV-P-236)
minutes of operation with
q. Accessory Gearcase Nut and Bolt Torque
unobstructed airflow ......
5700 rpm (min)
Thermal protector trip time
Screws securing retainer .... 15 to 20 inch-pounds
with rotor locked ...........
30 seconds (max)
Thermal protector reset time
after trip ........................
30 seconds (max)
Rated voltage (line to
Electrical connections to connector:
neutral) .......................... 120 vac
Pin D (white) .................
Rated voltage (line to line) . 208 vac
Pin A (black ..................
Phase 1
Rated load ......................... 100 CFM @10" H2 0 cooling
Pin B (red) ....................
Phase 2
air 120 kva
Pin C (green) ................
Phase 3
Power factor ....................... 0.8
Weight ..............................
17.15 lb (approx)
Phase ................................. Three
Special Repair Compounds and Materials:
Remove minor scratches and
Rated speed ....................... 5700 rpm
nicks on impeller ...........
Abrasive paper (Federal
Specification P-P-101, No.
Maximum speed for regulation 7000 rpm
400 grit)
Overspeed ......................... 7500 rpm
Touch up anodic coating on
Rotation (viewing drive end) . Counterclockwise
reworked impeller .........
Anodic Coating (Military
Bolt circle diameter ............ 10.0 in.
Drive spline ........................ 24 teeth, 20/30 pitch, 30
Type I)
degrees pressure angle
Remove defective finish on:
Weight ............................... 135 lbs max
Rotor, end bell ..............
Abrasive cloth (Federal
Specification P-C-451, No.
320 grit)
Rated voltage (line to
neutral ........................... 120 vac
Rotor ............................
Enamel and Catalyst (Cati-
Rated voltage (line to line) . 240 vac
Coat, No. F55BP; and
Rated load ......................... 12.5 kva
Catalyst VV66KP17,
Power factor ....................... 0.8
Sherwin-Williams Co.,
Phase ................................. Single
Cleveland, Ohio or
equivalent; no known
Rated speed ....................... 3600 rpm
government specification)
Maximum speed for regulation 3600 rpm
Coat unpainted surfaces of:
Overspeed ......................... 4000 rpm
Rotor ............................
Lubricant (DC5 Lube, Dow
Rotation (viewing drive end) Counterclockwise
Corning Corp., Midland,
Bolt circle diameter ............ 10.0 in.
Michigan, or equivalent; no
Drive spline ........................ 24 teeth, 20/30 pitch, 30
known government
degrees pressure angle
Weight (max) ..................... 118 lbs. max.
Remove cement deposits ..
Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (Federal
Specification TT-M-261)
Special assembly compounds and materials:
Type .............................. Two-stage centrifugal com-
Apply compound to threads
pressor, electric motordriven
of rotor shaft .................
Anti seize (Federal
Operating voltage ............... Three phase 115/ 200 vac at
Specification JAN-A-669)
400 Hz
Solder electrical connections Solder (Federal Specification
Rated operating current ...... 60 amp
QQ-S-571, Type SN60-
Maximum operating current . 75 amp
Locked rotor current ........... 350 amp
Coat threads of screws with
Rated output ...................... 25-hp at 23,300 rpm
sealant ......................... . Sealant (Military Specification
Weight ............................... 35 lb (approx)
MIL-S-22473, Class 10)
Special testing compounds and materials:
After assembly paint:
Testing refrigerant and oil Refrigerant 114 (Fed Spec BB-
end of rotor, hex hole
F-1421) and dry oil (885-
in shaft and nut .............
One coat of primer (Cati-Coat
20KV oil, Bray Oil Co., Los
E42GP15 and Catalyst
Angeles, Calif., or
V66K-P15 Sherwin-
Williams Co., Cleveland,
u. Recirculating Fans Repair and Replacement
Ohio or equivalent; no
known government
Fan rotation ........................ Counterclockwise viewing fan
specification) air dry for 15
wheel end of fan
to 30 minutes and bake at
Duty cycle .......................... Continuous
1500 to 175F (66to
Operating current after 10
79C ).
minutes of operation ...... 6 amperes per phase