bottom ring and work upward on piston. Check
each ring side of groove at various positions
(10) Oil cylinder bores liberally with lube
oil. Wrap lower part of connecting rod with
clean, lint-free cloth to protect cylinder walls.
Insert piston and rod assemblies in cylinder
dle or similar tool to tap piston assemblies out
cloth from connecting rods and carefully at-
tach upper adn lower bearing shells (22 fig.
6-11), after dipping in
lube oil secure loosely
to connecting rods (21), with attaching bolts
(18), nuts (17), and cotter pins (16). Check
each connecting rod bearing clearance by using
ing crankshaft to check clearance, try to
move connecting rod from side to side. If new
clearances are present, it will be necessary to
tap connecting rod from side to side with
hammer. If rod moves freely with feeler stock
equal to maximum allowable clearance given in
and studs (15) in flywheel and ring gear (10)
if removed.
(12) Attach flywheel and ring gear (10)
on crankshaft (43) with six attaching bolts
(13) Install thrust plate (9) and Wood-
ruff key (8) on crankshaft (43).
(14) Start gear (7) on crankshaft. Turn
crankshaft until punch-marked tooth lines up
between two punch-marked teeth on camshaft
gear. Drive crankshaft gear on shaft with
insert each ring, one at a time, about 2 inches
suitable driver on mildsteel pipe.
down in cylinder bore. Raise piston to square
(15) Check camshaft end play.
piston ring In bore and measure ring gap
(16) Slide oil thrower (6) on crankshaft.
(17) Check crankshaft end play as follows:
um-cut file into vise. Hold two ends of ring
Slip pulley (3) and washer (2) on crankshaft.
against opposite sides of file and file gap to
Tighten starting jaw (1) in place. Force crank-
specified dimension.
shaft to extreme forward position with screw-
(7) Wrap connecting rod in cloth and
driver under crankshaft gear. Attach dial in-
place in vise to facilitate piston ring installa-
dicator to indicate flywheel movement as illus-
(8) Check ring grooves in piston (27, fig.
treme rear position Dial reading should not ex-
6-11) for
burrs or
other interference by
each ring in its groove.
are exceeded, remove crankshaft gear and
(9) Install rings (24, 25 and 26) on pis-
thrust plate and install shims between front-
ton (27) using ring expander tool. Start with
end of main bearing journal and thrust plate