thrower (6), washer (2) and starting jaw (1)
and recheck end clearance. If clearance is
within limits, remove starting jaw (1) and
washer (2).
(18) Check clearance between crankshaft
and camshaft gears as follows. Using a screw
driver, pry teeth on gears as far apart as pos-
sible. Check clearance with feeler gauge as
maximum clearance is exceeded, replace both
camshaft gear and crankshaft gear as the two
timing gears are matched pairs.
counterbore concentricity and rotate crank-
shaft. Total indicator reading should not ex-
dial indicator on flywheel to read adaptor plate
face squareness (runout) and rotate crank-
shaft. Hold hand against crankshaft gear on
flywheel to eliminate end play. Total indicator
(19) Check flywheel face and bore and
reading should not exceed maximum limit
a d a p t o r plate face and bore for square-
M o u n t dial in-
ness and concentricity.
read adaptor plate counterbore concentricity
dicator on adaptor plate to read flywheel
and rotate crankshaft. Total indicator reading
face hand against crankshaft gear on flywheel
should not exceed maximum limit given in
to eliminate end play. Total indicator reading
should not exceed maximum limit given in