TM 5-6115-586-34
Do not exceed starter motor duty
J8, located on the power output panel. The phase
cycle specified in item (5) of table 2-
rotation shall be LI, L2, L3, N: A,B,C,D and E. Pin E is
equipment ground.
(b) Disconnect power plug from each of the air-
(c) Motor gas turbine engine by means of
starter until oil pressure gauge on test panel registers
phase rotation shall be LI, L2, L3, N: A, B, C and D.
(4) Check generator terminal connections at 60
(d) Reconnect
Hz output panel, J5 60 Hz output receptacle and J6 60 Hz
pressure switch.
output receptacle. The connection sequence shall be TI,
(e) Check unit for fuel and oil leaks
T2, T3: B, D, C and E is equipment ground and A is
immediately after this operation. If leakage is apparent,
emergency 24 vdc, output; T3 is neutral.
correct the difficulty.
indication shall be 240 volts B to D and 120 volts B to C
and D to C.
e. Instrument Panel Checks.
(1) Close the dc circuit breakers and check the
(5) Check
following items for proper operation as specified.
instruments on power plant instrument panel against
calibrated test instruments. Using external adjust screw,
(a) Check panel light for proper operation.
adjust each master to correspond to associated laboratory
Panel light shall come on when switch is actuated in ON
meter. Reject and replace any meter that cannot be
adjusted within specified limits.
(b) With air intake door in open position, check
(a) Using the voltage-adjust potentiometer on
fuel boost pump for proper operation. Set MASTER
the voltage regulator, set C-N voltage at 120 volts (red
switch in STOP position. Actuate fuel boost pump by
line). Record C-N voltage indicated on test meter. Error
throwing FUEL BOOST switch to ON position. Pump
shall not exceed +/-2 volts. Check A-N and B-N voltage.
shall run. Set the MASTER SWITCH in RUN position.
Fuel boost pump shall stop.
(b) Using the voltage-adjust potentiometer on
voltage regulator, set TI-T3 voltage at 120 volts (red line).
(c) With MASTER switch in RUN position,
Record TI-T3 voltage indicated on test meter. Error shall
check PRESS-TO-TEST indicator lights. Pressing in on
not exceed +/- 2 volts. Check T2T3 voltage. T2-T3
each light shall cause it to glow. This test indicates only
voltage shall be 120 -'2 volts. TI-T3 voltage shall be 120
that light bulb is functional and not the condition of its
+/-2 volts. Check TiT2 voltage. TI-T2 voltage shall be
associated circuit. Replace faulty light bulbs.
equal to the sum of T I-T3 and T2-T3 voltage (240 +/- 4
(c) Using a variable-load 0. 8 PF load bank,
set up 100 percent readings on instrument panel 60 Hz
lights and remote trip light, unit
ammeter. Test each leg individually. Record amperage
must be operating, 400 Hz main
indicated on test meter for leg being tested. Error shall
contactor switch must be in CLOSE
not exceed +/-3 percent. The 100 percent load is equal to
position and mode-select switch in
52 amperes per leg when a 120 volt load is applied.
OFF position.
(d) Using a variable load 0. 8 PF load bank,
(d) Check for proper operation of start interlock
set tp 100 percent readings on instrument panel 400 Hz
of 60 Hz load contactor switch and 400 Hz main contactor
Test each phase individually.
switch. Actuate 60 Hz load contactor switch to CLOSE
amperage indicated on the test meter for the phase being
position. Actuate MASTER switch to START. The power
tested. Error shall not exceed +/-3 percent. The 100
plant shall not start. Actuate 60 Hz load contactor switch
percent load is equal to 333 amperes per phase.
to OPEN. Repeat this procedure with 400 Hz contactor
(e) Regulate engine speed to 390 Hz, 400 Hz
and 410 Hz as indicated by the instrument panel 400 Hz
(e) Check for proper operation of battery
For each of these settings, log
charger and ready-to-load light. Close battery charger
frequency reading. Error shall be within +/-2. 5 Hz.
circuit breaker. Start power plant. Readyto-load light
(f) With 400Hz generator operating at 400 Hz,
shall glow at 95 percent governed speed. Battery charger
60 Hz meter should read 60 Hz. Error shall be within 1
shall come on when 400 Hz generator voltage builds up.
Generator shall reach full voltage at approximately 70
percent governed speed.
(g) Remove positive lead from unit battery
charger and connect test shunt (50A) in series. Record
(2) Run power plant for three minutes at noload
instrument panel meter reading and test meter reading.
governed speed to allow for stabilization and transients.
Error shall not exceed three amperes.
(3) Check for phase rotation of 400 Hz system
at the following locations.