To aid inspection, a table of repair and
three-phase load of 30().0 .kw at 0.8 power factor, apply
the additional surge (starting) current demand of the
replacement standards is provided in table 1-1. This
total air-conditioning system. Voltage shall not dip
table specifies maximum clearance and desired
sufficiently low to cause protective panel to trip
clearance. It may be necessary or economical to
generator off the line within limits of the undervoltage
replace parts prior to their reaching maximum wear
Factors such as hours of operation and
remaining useable life of the component will be
(12) Generator protective devices shall not
considered in replacement.
trip generator and load contactor off the line while
undergoing voltage regulation and frequency check and
When visual inspection of parts is not
air-intake door interlock switch check. During air-intake
sufficient to determine their serviceability, refer to
door interlock test, the protective device will trip 60 Hz
testing procedures included in the repair instructions.
generator if overload time is exceeded.
2-8. General Repair and Replacement Instructions
All forgings and castings that will not
operational checks in accordance with TM 5-6115-586-
withstand specified torque values shall be repaired by
installing helical inserts or replaced.
Hardware items such as screws, washers,
checks in accordance with TM 5-6115-586-12.
and nuts shall be replaced if missing or found to be
Hot and Cold Water System.
damaged in any manner that might impair efficiency.
operational checks in accordance with TM 5-6115-586-
Self-locking nuts, used extensively in this equipment,
shall be replaced if there is any damage that might
impede the self-locking feature..
Bleed-Air System.
Perform operational
check in accordance with TM 5-6115-586-12.
Loose or damaged rivets shall be replaced.
Vacuum System. Perform operational check
Do not use mire brush, sand blast, or other
in accordance with TM 5-6115-586-12.
highly abrasive procedures to remove rust or corrosion
from machined surfaces unless specific instructions are
2-6. General Disassembly Instructions
provided for their use in repair instructions. Use crocus
Make sure that all wiring, wire harness
cloth. (Fed Spec P-C-458) for ferrous surfaces and
connectors, and tubing are disconnected and will not be
aluminum oxide abrasive cloth (Fed Spec P-C-451) to
subject to damage before removal of major assemblies
smooth out scores, burrs. rough spots, and galling from
and their components.
machined surfaces unless otherwise directed. The
Be certain to drain fuel, oil, and water from
finish of the repaired part must be approximately that of
reservoirs before attempting to remove them from their
the original finish and the repair and replacement
associated tubing and fittings.
standards in table 1-1 shall be consulted for parts with
Remove all shims where used. Keep shims
critical dimensions and tolerances.
together and identify them as to location for correct
Damaged threads may be repaired with a
reassembly. Keep shims clean and flat until they are
thread chaser or by chasing on a lathe. If threads can
not be restored to satisfactory condition so as not to
impare the efficiency of threaded fastening, the part
removal, check that all attaching hardware has been
shall be replaced.
removed and that other parts are not interfering with
Painted surfaces to be refinished will be
removal before exerting force.
treated and printed in accordance with MIL-T-704, type
A prior to refinishing. Exterior surfaces of the power
fitted parts unless repair is necessary.
plant shall be )painted with paint in accordance with
2-7. General Cleaning and Inspection Instructions.
MIL-T-704, type A, Lusterless. Also refer to TM 9-213.
Prior to inspection, all parts should be
2-9. General Reassembly Instructions
cleaned at least to the extent necessary to determine
Attaching hardware and electrical connectors
the condition of the part. All-metal parts may be
shall where applicable be lockwired in accordance with
cleaned with a dry-cleaning solvent (Fed Spec P-D-680
MS35540 using new lockwire MS2095C20, when
or equivalent) or may be steam cleaned. Never use any
petroleum base solvent for cleaning electrical parts as
All tubing shall be reinstalled so that it does
these solvents will damage electrical insulation and
not make direct contact with other surfaces of the power
dissolve electrical varnishes. Special cleaning solvents
plant. Use clamps to support tube and hose
for electrical parts are Trichlorethylene (Military
Specification MIL-T-700) and Naptha (Military
Specification MIL-N-15178).
Any special cleaning
procedures for other components are also specified in
applicable paragraphs.