TM 5-6115-586-34
as indicated on refrigerant pressure gauge GA3 on
3. Crack service valve and flow 100 cc refrigerant-
service unit.
into oil-quantity-check beaker (part of
refrigeration system service unit). Close service valve.
12. Loosely connect refrigerant charging hose to
4. Place beaker in a warm place and allow
service valve on power plant refrigerant receiver and to
refrigerant to boil off.
fitting F6 on service unit.
5. Quantity of oil remaining in
13. Check valve V6 on service unit and allow
refrigerant has boiled off shall be one cc.
refrigerant to purge all air from charging hose. Tighten
hose connection at service valve while liquid refrigerant is
(e) Operation to add oil to refrigeration system. To
add oil to the power plant refrigeration system, refer to
14. Fully open valve V6 and fully open service valve.
Charge system with refrigerant.
1. Connect oil charging hose to the power plant
15. Close valve V6 on service unit and service valve
on power plant receiver. Remove charging hose and
2. Operate refrigeration system as described in TM
replace protective caps. Check service valve for leakage
5-6115-586-12 for fifteen minutes to thoroughly mix the
(para (a)) above.
refrigerant and oil.
d. Checking oil quantity in refrigeration system. To
3. Purge oil charge line and add oil to the system as
check the oil quantity in the power plant refrigeration
described in paragraph (c), steps 1 through 9 above.
system refer to figure 2-2 and proceed as follows:
(f) Operation to remove oil from refrigeration system.
If quantity of oil in refrigeration system is too great, refer
1. Operate refrigeration system according to
operating procedure as described in TM 5-6115586-12 for
1. Operate refrigeration system as described in TM
fifteen minutes to thoroughly mix the refrigerant with the
5-6115-586-12 for fifteen minutes to thoroughly mix the
refrigerant with the oil.
2. Connect refrigerant charging hose to service
2. Shut off refrigeration system and evacuate
valve on power plant refrigerant receiver.
system. (para (b) above. ).
3. Charge system (para (c) above), omitting oil
charging procedure, steps 1 through 9.
Do not hold oil-quantity check
beaker without gloves or cloth to
4. Recheck oil level, (para (d)above), and add oil, if
protect hands from cold refrigerant.
necessary (para (e) above).
2-5. Power Plant Test Instructions
a. General. The following test instructions are provided to test the operation of the power plant as a unit both
as an initial test to indicate the extent of repairs required and as a final test to establish serviceability of the power plant
following repairs.
b. Test Connections.
Standard instrumentation shall be
provided to
measure all data shown on
the data
up services required is listed in table 2-4. Record all test data during testing.
c. Precautions During Testing. Shut down the power plant immediately if any of the operating limits are
exceeded or if any malfunction occurs that might result in further damage to components if testing was continued.
Determine the cause and take corrective action before proceeding with tests. Power plant operating limits are provided
in tables 2-5 and 2-6.