R e m o v e the four nuts (20) and capscrews (21)
(4) Remove the two nuts and bolts (12) that
from the brackets near the shock absorbers.
hold each taillight to the body and trailer. Remove
R e m o v e the six nuts (22) and capscrews (23)
the two taillights and spacers (13). Remove the two
attaching the body to the trailer rear cross beam.
nuts and bolts which bold each of the two hand-
Attach a lifting device to the body (26) and raise it
brake clamps and remove the spacers (14). Remove
off the trailer.
the two nuts and bolts which hold each of the two
b. Reinstallation. Refer to paragraph a. above
handbrake levers and remove the two spacers (15).
and reinstall by reversing removal instructions.
Remove the four nuts (6) and two U-bolts (7) and
remove the ground rod.
(5) Remove the fourteen nuts (24) and bolts
(25) along the side of the body. Remove the two
The trailer chassis (43, fig. 5-3 ) is the bottom-most
nuts (16) and capscrews (17) at the front of the
part, removal and installation is accomplished by
body. Remove the twelve nuts (18) and capscrews
the removal and installation of the trailer body. See
(19) attaching the body to the trailer cross beams.