Broken wiring shall be repaired by splicing the
cable back to obtain suitable wiring. Check the
This chapter provides instructions for the repair of
capacitor for leakage and replace as necessary.
the welding shop. It includes the repair of those
items that are the responsibility of direct support
Use this as a guide in repairing the unit.
maintenance as allocated by the Maintenance
Allocation Chart.
reassemble the welding gun.
Refer to TM 9-2330-202-14 for trailer repair
disassemble the control monitor.
b. Overhaul.
Refer to TM 5-3431-221-15 for welding machine
(1) The control monitor may be completely
repair instructions.
overhauled by organizational maintenance in as
much as the replacement of parts is concerned. It is
the responsibility of direct support maintenance to
manual and disassemble the welding gun.
test the unit to make sure that it is performing its
b. Overhaul.
normal duties.
(2) The control monitor requires little or no
complished by the replacement of parts. Items 60
maintenance, o t h e r than changing fuses oc-
through 74 of figure 4-2 are the responsibility of
casionally. The consistent failure of the control
direct support maintenance.
monitor to function properly will warrant overhaul.
(2) The welding gun handle, which consists of
A check of the capacitor, resistors, and rectifier
the motor inching switch, capacitor, rheostat, and
should first be made. Refer to the wiring diagram
control cable, contains the electrical system as far
as the gun is concerned. Repairs shall consist of the
replacement of damaged or inoperative parts.
reassemble the control monitor.