b. Every effort should be made to provide cov-
4-4. Inspection and Maintenance of
ered storage for the welding machine. If this is
in Storage
impossible, select a firm, level, well-drained stor-
When the welding machine has been placed in
age location, protected from prevailing winds. Po-
storage, all scheduled preventive maintenance
sition the welding machine on heavy planking.
services, including inspection, will be suspended
Cover the welding machine with a tarpaulin or
and preventive maintenance checks and services,
other suitable waterproof covering and secure in a
quarterly will be performed every 90 days. All de-
ficiencies will be recorded on DA Form 2404, to-
manner that will provide the welding machine
gether with corrective action.
maximum protection from the elements.
suitable detonator. Place one pound charge on
control panel and place one pound charge on
When capture or abandonment of the welding
voltage changeover board.
machine to an enemy is imminent, the responsible
b. Weapons Fire. Fire on the welding machine
unit commander must make the decision either to
with the heaviest practical weapons available.
destroy the equipment or to render it inoperative.
Based on this decision, orders are issued which
cover the desired extent of destruction. Whatever
48. Other Demolition Methods
method of demolition is employed, it is essential to
a. Scattering and Concealment. Remove all easily
destroy the same vital parts of all welding ma-
accessible parts such as the rectifiers, reactors,
chines and all corresponding repair parts.
foliage, bury them in dirt or sand, or throw them
Controls and instruments
in a lake, stream, or other body of water.
Fan motor
Electrical wires
b. Burning. Pack rags, paper, or other combus-
tible material around and in the main trans-
46. Demolition to Render the Welding Ma-
former. Saturate this packing with gasoline, oil,
chine Inoperative
or diesel fuel and ignite.
Demolition by Mechanical Means. Use sledge
c. Submersion. Totally submerge the welding
hammers, crowbars, picks, axes, or any other heavy
machine in a body of water to provide water dam-
tools which may be available to destroy the follow-
age and concealment. Salt water will damage
metal parts more than fresh water.
a. All controls and instruments.
b. Ground and electrode terminals.
c. Gas and water inlet and outlet fittings.
All operators should receive thorough training in
the destruction of the welding machine. Refer to
d. Contactor.
FM 525. Simulated destruction, using all of the
Note. The above procedures are minimum require-
methods listed above, should be included in the
ments for this method.
operator training program. It must be emphasized
e. Fan motor.
in training that demolition operations are usually
necessitated by critical situations when time avail-
g. Cut all electrical wires and leads.
able for carrying out destruction is limited. For
this reason, it is necessary that operators be thor-
4-7. Demolition by
Explosives or
Weapons Fire
oughly familiar with all methods of destruction of
equipment and be able to carry out demolition in-
structions without reference to this or any other
charges as the situation permits and detonate
them simultaneously with detonating cord or a