b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean meter faces with a soft cloth and
warm soapy water. Dry with a clean lint-free
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
cloth. Clean the meter backs with a clean, dry cloth.
(2) Inspect for zero position of needle and
clean, dry cloth.
adjust if necessary. Check for accuracy within one
(2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, corrosion, de-
percent. Inspect for breaks, cracks and broken or
fective contacts, and other damage.
corroded terminals.
c. Installation.
(3) Replace a defective meter as necessary.
c. Installation.
the five receptacles and fuseholder.
3-19. Pushbutton, Model 2100H2007
3-18. Receptacles and Fuseholder
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the right side shroud (para
a. Removal.