c. Installation.
(3) Remove the fan, motor, and guard assem-
(1) Attach the fan, motor, and guard assem-
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all pants with an approved cleaning
rear shroud with the fan, motor, and guard assem-
solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect all parts for rips, distortion, elon-
gated mounting holes, or other damage.
ing machine top, bottom rear and side shrouds.
(3) Replace a defective part as necessary.
a. Model DAR300HFSG.
a. Model DAR300HFSG, the toggle switches
control the panel or remote output control section,
(1) Removal.
soft start operate m, line power, welding process
(a) Remove the right side shroud (para
selection, and high frequency operation. The tim-
ers control the postflow of gas and water, the pre-
flow of gas and water, and timed weld duration.
(2) Cleaning and inspection.
mit connection of an external 115 volt ac remote
(a) Clean the timers with a clean dry cloth.
control, a shorting type switch remote contactor
(b) Inspect for breaks, cracks, and broken
control, a remote output control rheostat, an out-
or corroded terminals.
put voltage signal control, and 115 volt ac powered
(c) Replace a defective timer as necessary.
auxiliaries. The auxiliary 115 volt ac circuit is
(3) Installation.
protected by a 5.6 ampere fuse. The contactor is
either manually or automatically energized to
close the welding circuit. Three thermostatic
swithes open the welding circuit if the power rec-
(b) Install the right side shroud (para
tifier, saturable reactor, or stabilizing reactor over-
b. Model 2100H2007.
b. Model 2100H2007, the preflow of gas and
(1) Removal.
water is controlled by a timer. The welding ma-
chine is equipped with a start-stop pushbutton
switch, and are not equipped with ammeters or
timers and the timed weld kit.
(2) Cleaning and Inspection.
(a) Clean the timers with a clean, dry
a. Removal.
(b) Inspect for breaks, cracks, and broken-
or corroded terminals.
(c) Replace a defective timer as necessary.
the five toggle switches.
(3) Installation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the switches with a clean, dry cloth.
ers and the timed weld kit.
( 2 ) Inspect for breaks, cracks, damaged
threads, and broken or corroded terminals.
(3) Replace a defective switch as necessary.
a. Removal.
c. Installation.
the five toggle switches.