F o r installation of the regulator assembly and
6. Unloading the Equipment
a . Remove all blocking and tiedowns secur-
ing the welding set to the carrier,
10. Installation or Setting Up Instructions
a. Location. Locate the control assembly as
to remove the welding set from the carrier.
close to the work as possible so welding opera-
Position the welding set on the
t i o n s can be performed with a minimum of ef-
forklift so that it will not tilt or slide off.
fort and adjustments in wire feed speed can be
made quickly and easily. Approximately 50 feet
7. Unpacking the Equipment
o f hose and cable are supplied with the gun,
so locate the control assembly in such a manner
O p e n the wooden crate and remove the gun
t h a t no kinks or sharp bends are made in the
a n d control assemblies. Be sure the boxes con-
gas hose.
taining hose,
aluminum wire,
tools, fuses,
Caution: Do not drag hose or cable over hot
adapter, gas nozzle, drive roll, guide tube,
manuals case, and publications are included.
b . Connections.
Caution: Use care in opening the crate and
( 1 ) G a s . Connect the argon gas regulator
do not use hooks to lift the individual boxes.
to a suitable source of argon gas, and
connect the regulator to the control
8. Inspecting and Servicing Equipment
assembly with the 10-foot hose sup-
p l i e d . Tighten the gas connection (fig.
a. Perform
(2) Power.
b. Inspect the welding set for loss of parts
W e l d i n g current cable. C o n n e c t t h e
or damage which might have occurred during
the positive terminal of the welder.
c. I n s p e c t t h e c o n t r o l s f o r l o o s e o r m i s s i n g
( b ) Control cable. Connect the 10-foot,
3 - w i r e , control cable (fig. 2) into a
w e l d e r auxiliary power supply only,
d. Inspect pipe, hose, and leads for insecure
t o provide the 115 volts necessary
mounting, breaks, kinks, and other damage.
to operate the control assembly.
e . Correct all deficiencies or report them to
cable. Connect the 10-
( c ) Ground
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l maintenance.
negative terminal of the welder.
9. Installation of Separately Packed
c. Loading the Welding Gun. T h e w e l d i n g
g u n will use approximately 8 reels of consum-
The regulator assembly and the reels of
a b l e wire electrode in a day. Refer to figure 4
a l u m i n u m welding wire are packed separately.
and load the gun.