20. Operation in Extreme Heat
15. General
Although the welding set is air cooled, pro-
a. The instructions in this section are pub-
vide for adequate ventilation if it is used in-
lished for the information and guidance of the
doors in high ambient temperatures.
personnel responsible for operation of the
welding set.
21. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
b. The operator must know how to perform
a. Shield the welding set as much as possible
every operation of which the welding set is
from blowing sand or dust during operation.
capable. This section gives instructions on start-
b. Inspect the nylon guide bushings, guide
ing and stopping the welding set, basic func-
tube, and gas ports for clogging sand or dust.
tions of the welding set, and on coordinating
Obstructing sand or dust will cause improper
the basic functions to perform the specific
wire feed and/or insufficient gas flow.
tasks for which the equipment is designed.
c. Provide adequate protective covering for
Since neary every job presents a different prob-
the set when not in use.
lem, the operator may have to vary given pro-
cedures to fit the individual job.
22. Operation Under Rainy or Humid
16. Starting the Welding Set
a. If it is necessary to weld in the rain, pro-
a. Preparation for Starting. Perform the be-
tect the work and the welding set as much as
possible from the elements.
b. Starting. Refer to
figure 6 and
start the
b. Wipe all exposed surfaces frequently,
welding set.
c. Paint chipped or scratched surfaces to pre-
vent rust,
17. Stopping the Welding Set
d. If the welding set is outside and not in
use, protect it with a canvas or other water-
a. Refer to
figure 7 and
stop the
proof covering. Remove the cover during dry
periods. Open the door of the control assembly
to allow the electrical components to dry before
after-operation services.
18. Welding Set Operation
23. Operation in Salt Water Areas
Refer to figure 6 for welding set operation
a. Exposed, bare metal will corrode more
rapidly in salt water areas than in other areas.
Wipe the welding set with a cloth dampened
19. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0 F.)
in fresh water and dry thoroughly,
Inspect the cables, gas hose, and plastic parts
b. Coat exposed metal surfaces with an ap-
of the welding set more frequently during cold
proved rustproofing material. Remove rust im-
weather operation than during normal opera-
mediately and paint or apply oil as needed.
c. Check electrical cables for salt water dam-
hardening of the gas hose which may affect gas
age and remove corrosion from electrical leads
and contacts.
Caution: Exercise caution when working
24. Operation at High Altitudes
with hoses or cables in extreme cold, hoses and
cable insulation become brittle and will crack
High altitudes will not affect the operating
and break with excessive handling.
efficiency of the welding set.