Section I. GENERAL
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations
1. Scope
indicate quantity.
a. These instructions are published for the
d. Report all deficiencies in this manual on
use of the personnel to whom the Welding
DA Form 2028. Submit recommendations
Set, Westinghouse Model SA-135, is issued.
for changes, additions, or deletions to the Com-
Chapters 1
through 5
provide information on
manding Officer, U.S. Army Engineer Mainte-
the operation, daily preventive maintenance
nance Center, ATTN: EMCDM-S, P. O. Box
service, and organizational maintenance of the
119, Columbus 16, Ohio. Direct communication
equipment, accessories, components, and at-
is authorized.
tachments. Chapter 6 provides information for
field and depot maintenance (3d, 4th, and 5th
e. Report unsatisfactory equipment performa-
echelons). This manual also provides descrip-
ance and suggestions for equipment improve-
tions of the main units and their functions in
ment as specified in AR 7505.
relationship to other components.
b. Appendix I
contains a
list of
2. Record and Report Forms
the Maintenance Allocation Chart. Appendix
For record and report forms applicable to the
III contains the
list of
basic issue items author-
operator and organizational maintenance, refer
ized the operator of this equipment. The Or-
to TM 5-505.
ganizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form
Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists are listed
46 which is carried by the operator, shall be kept in a
in TM 5-3431-200-25P.
canvas bag mounted on the equipment.
valve, contactor, rheostat, terminal strip, and
3. Description
the various relays, resistors, and capacitors nec-
a. General. The Westinghouse Welding Set,
essary to assure proper welding operation. A
Model DA-135, (figs. 1 and 2) is designed
toggle type power switch, line and motor
for continuous duty, semiautomatic welding of
fuses, and rheostat knob are located on the
aluminum, using a consumable aluminum wire
front of the control assembly. The control as-
electrode shielded by inert argon gas. The set
sembly also includes an argon gas hose and
is air cooled, rated at 200 amperes, and con-
connection, a ground cable, a power supply
sists of a welding handgun, a control assem-
cable, and a welding current cable. Connections
bly with a built-in contactor, and an adjustable-
for the welding gun cables are also located on
pressure, constant flow argon gas regulator.
the front of the control assembly.
b. Control Assembly. The control assembly
is a light weight, insulated metal box, contain-
c. Welding Gun Assembly. T h e w e l d i n g
ing gas pipe and electrical leads, gas solenoid
gun assembly consists of the welding gun itself,