b. Removal. Remove ducting, tube and plumbing
7-1. General
fittings only as required and feasible by following the
sequence of index numbers, 1 through 30, assigned to
heated air upon user demand. The installation consists
of an engine mounted unloading air shutoff valve,
c. Cleaning, Repair and Inspection.
ducting, two hot air flow control valves, temperature
(1) Clean ducting, tubes and plumbing fittings
sensors and controls mounted on the air conditioning
with an approved solvent and thoroughly dry with filtered
control panels. The exhaust system portion of this
compressed air.
installation consists of a diffuser, bellows, box, plenum
(2) Visually inspect ducting for dents, cracks,
and stack assembly. A heat exchanger, mounted on the
damage to mating flanges or other damage.
box next to the stack, is also included in this installation.
(3) Inspect tubes for cracks, dents. damaged
Tubing hoses and plumbing fittings provide
threads or other damage.
interconnection of these components and connection to
(4) Replace all parts damaged beyond simple
the power plant.
7-2. Ducting, Tubing, and Plumbing Fittings
d. Installation. Install ducting, tube assemblies and
a. General. The ducting, tube assemblies and
plumbing fittings in reverse order of removal
plumbing fittings interconnect the heating system