(6) Remove screws (22 and 23) with washers
(24 and 25) to remove six thermal relays (26) and two
1. Nut
armature relays (27) from the panel (29).
2. Washer
3. Screw
(7) If replacement is necessary, remove two
4. 400 Hz auxiliary power wire harness
grommets (28) from the panel.
5. Nut
6. Washer
7. Screw
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Testing.
8. Capacitor (C26. C29)
9. Capacitor (C25, C27, C28, C30)
(1) Clean electrical components with a clean
10. Insulated Sleeving
rag dampened with solvent approved for electrical
11. Nut
12. Washer
13. Washer
(2) Inspect relays for damaged terminal
14. Screw
studs, cracked cases, signs of overheating or short
15. Capacitor mounting bracket
16. 400 Hz auxiliary output wire harness
(3) Test capacitors
17. 400 Hz auxiliary output wire harness
capacitor tester, if available.
18. Gasket
19. Bus bar
(4) Inspect gaskets
20. Bus bar
21. Insulated sleeving
22. Screw
(5) Inspect wire harness assemblies for dam
23. Screw
aged or loose connector pins and terminal lugs,
24. Washer
damaged wires, any burned areas indicating shorts.
25. Washer
Inspect connectors for damaged or stripped threads.
26. Thermal relay (S37A, S37B, S37C, S38A,
S38B, S38C}
for 400 Hz auxiliary power wire harness, figure 535 for
27. Armature relay (K43A, K43B)
400 Hz auxiliary output 1 wire harness, and figure 5-36
28. Grommet
for 400 Hz auxiliary output 2 wire harness, and check
29. Panel
(5) Note connection points, then remove four
d. Repair and Replacement.
bus bars (19) from the thermal relays (26) and six bus
bars (20) that connect thermal relays to armature relays
(27). Do not remove insulation sleeving (21) unless
(1) Repair wire harness assemblies
replacement is required.
follows, disassembling only as necessary.