f. Reinstallation.
(7) Inspect for screen separation, broken or
cracked laminate.
reinstall the air inlet duct and screen assembly.
(8) Replace screen assembly if damaged
4-8. Air Inlet Plenum Assembly
beyond simple repair.
a. General. The air inlet plenum is skid mounted
(9) Repair cracks using simple shop repair.
and directs air to the engine air inlet plenum assembly.
(10) Patch holes and tears using simple shop
To remove the lower portion, simply remove the
hardware which attaches it to the skid.
(11) Replace loose or damaged rivets.
b. Disassembly. Do not disassemble the air inlet
(12) Replace seals using adhesive.
plenum unless inspection reveals damage. If damage is
(13) Replace damaged nut plates.
indicated, disassemble by following sequence of index
(14) If air inlet duct is damaged beyond simple
repair, replace the entire assembly.
e. Assembly. Assemble air inlet duct assembly in
reverse order of disassembly procedures given in