4-1. General
manual for hose and tube assembly installation
a. The major components of the skid assembly are
the skid, oil tank, fuel tank, fuel filter, fuel pump, fuel
4-3. Oil Tank Assembly
float tank and plumbing installation.
a. General. The oil tank assembly is mounted on
b. Prior to performing any repair to the above
the skid in a cradle. The oil tank is the oil supply
listed items, remove the major components of the
reservoir for the power unit.
b. Removal. Refer to TM 5-6115.586-12 for oil
c. Refer to
Chapter 5 of
this manual for repair
tank removal instructions.
instructions on skid assembly electrical wire harnesses.
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
4-2. Hose and Tube Assemblies and Plumbing
(1) Clean oil tank assembly with an approved
solvent, drain thoroughly and dry with filtered
a. General. The hose and tube assemblies and
compressed air.
plumbing fittings provide interconnection of pneumatic,
(2) Inspect all threaded areas for stripped,
fuel, and oil systems components. The hose assemblies
crossed or peened threads. If threads are damaged
consist of metallic braid protected hoses with
beyond simple repair, replace part.
appropriate end fittings permanently secured to the hose
(3) Inspect tank for punctures, ruptures,
and metallic braid. The tube assemblies consist of
broken welds and looseness of fittings.
formed metal tubes with standard fittings to provide
(4) Reweld broken welds in accordance with
orientation of hose and tube assemblies to the
Military Specification MIL-W-8604.
(5) Pressure test oil tank after repair at 5 psig
controlled pressure for five minutes. No leakage is
for hose and tube assemblies removal instructions.
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
d. Installation. Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for oil
(1) Clean hose and tube assemblies and
tank installation instructions.
plumbing fittings with an approved cleaning solvent and
4-4. Fuel Boost Pump
dry thoroughly with filtered compressed air.
a. General. The fuel boost pump furnishes fuel
(2) Inspect all threaded parts for stripped,
under pressure to the engine from the external source.
crossed, or peened threads. If threads are damaged
The fuel boost pump is mounted on a mounting plate on
beyond simple repair, replace the part.
the skid.
(3) Inspect hose assemblies for cracks,
b. Removal. Refer to TM 5-6115-586-12 for fuel
breaks, chafing and damage to hose interior.
boost pump, removal instructions.
damaged, replace hose assembly.
c. Disassembly. Remove the four screws (1, fig.
(4) Inspect tube assemblies for kinks, bends,
4-1 ) to
remove the pump (2). Remove the four bolts (3)
cracks, or other damage which might restrict flow or
and washers (4) to remove the stator (5), coupling (6),
result in leakage. If damaged, replace tube assembly.
and gasket (7) from motor (11). Do not remove
(5) Inspect plumbing fittings for cracks or
receptacle (10) unless damaged. If damaged, remove
clogged passages.
Clean clogged passages and
the lockwire (8) and the four screws (9). Unsolder the
replace cracked fittings.
electrical wires that connect to the receptacle and
(6) Replace all gaskets and packings at each
remove damaged receptacle (10).
overhaul regardless of condition.