d. Install tube (35) with new packings (36, 37).
(c) Repair cracks in torus skin (3, fig.
325) by patching.
Remove sufficient material to
Install fitting (31) with spring (34) and new packings (31,
eliminate all trace of crack. Patch material shall be Inco
32). Install bolts (29) and washers (30). Tighten bolts
600 and shall be 0.043 inch (minimum). Weld patches
(29) to torque value of 50 to 70 inch-pounds.
on both the inner and outer skin surfaces per Military
e. Set turbine plenum (50) down onto support
Specification MIL-W-8611, using weld rod as specified
assembly and use tool to tighten tail pipe (53). Align
in (1) above. Do not overlap patches. Maintain
turbine plenum. Remove turbine plenum and install
minimum overlap of patch on torus skin, as shown in
gasket (51). Reinstall turbine plenum into previously
aligned position. Use feeler gauge to measure gap from
be free of excess weld.
turbine plenum rear flange to tail pipe (53) rear flange.
Subtract 0.015 to 0.025 inch from measurement and
record for later shimming operation.
Recent versions of the torus
f. Remove turbine plenum and gasket. Install 2
alignment pins in rear flange of tail pipe, install shims
Consequently stud repair may be
(52) determined (para 3) above, over alignment pins.
performed on alternating studs
Apply a light coat of petrolatum to both sides of gasket,
(20 stud version) and removal, if
reinstall gasket and turbine plenum into previous
desired, of remainder.
orientation. Install flange (45) and shims (43, 44) to rear
(d) If inspection revealed damaged
face of turbine plenum and on alignment pins.
studs, cut off damaged studs flush with torus surface.
g. Install bolts (47, 48), washers (49) and nuts (46).
Drill through remainder of old stud. Countersink 118 to
Torque bolts to a value of 50 to 70 inchpounds. Install
122 degrees by 0.530 inch diameter (maximum ) to
bolts (40, 41) and washers (42) into flange (45). Torque
remove tack welds. Install new studs as shown in view
bolts to a value of 90 to 110 inch-pounds.
B and plug weld per Military Specification MIL-W-8611,
h. Install liner (28, fig. 3-12, sheet 1 of
2). Install
using Inconel 69 weld rod.
combustor cap (26) with packing (27).
(7) Replace all packings and replace any
i. Install igniter (23) and gasket (24) with bolts (21)
hardware found to be stripped or damaged.
and washers (22). Install packing (20) and atomizer (19)
(8) Replace all other defective parts.
with bolts (17) and washers (18).
3-25. Reassembly
j. Install inlet air plenum (16) with screws (14),
washers (15) and clamp (13).
Be certain that shims (58, 60, fig.
3-26. Installation
3-12, sheet 2) are installed
a. Install accessory gearcase assembly (para 320a
as removed. The determination of
), dual pad accessory drive assembly (para 314),
thickness of shims requires
plumbing (3-3d) and wiring (3-2 h).
special tools and facilities not
b. Refer to paragraphs 2-12 and 2-11 for
normally available to direct
instructions for installation of engine to skid and
support and general support
installation of engine and skid assembly respectively.
maintenance personnel.
a. Install nozzle (59) and shims (60).
b. Install torus (57) with shims (58). Secure with
nuts (55) and washers (56). Tighten nuts, using wrench,
to torque value of 50 to 70 inch-pounds. Coat threads of
exhaust pipe (53) with high temperature compound.
c. Coat threads of transfer tube (38) with
lubricating compound (Liqui-Moly, Grade NV) and install
with new gasket (39). Tighten tube to torque value of
385 to 440 inch-pounds.